Chapter 22- Power Serve

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I'll let you decide if the title fits or not. Also Im so freaking excited Ive been waiting so long to write this chapter.!!!!!

Kuroo POV

Kuroo was worried. Nobody had heard from Shoyo, Aka, Line, or Yamaguchi since Friday night, and it was worrying. Kuroo was snapped out of his thoughts by the bus stopping. He and Kenma had convinced Coach Nekomata to drive them to Karasuno on short notice, and their coach had agreed as long as he could talk tactics with Takeda and Ukai. The bus had pulled up to Karasuno, and everyone was gathering up their stuff. Kuroo nudged Kenma to let him know to pack up. After about 2 minutes everybody was loaded off of the bus. Thankfully, Kuroo remembered where the gym was, unlike some of the other teams who Kuroo was pretty sure had never been here before. He spotted Bokuto trying to ask some scared looking first years for directions. Kuroo laughed a little before walking over to him and Fukurodani. After several minutes of Kuroo tracking down the teams, they all assembled in Karasuno's gym. They all stood in somewhat of a circle, just talking to each other. Kuroo stood talking to Karasuno's captain Daichi, Kenma, and Bokuto

Bokuto: Apparently at practice yesterday I went emo mode for a full 15 minutes.

Daichi: Isn't that some kind of a record?

Kuroo: *laughing* Yeah I think it is! I think before that it was... ten maybe?

They talked for about half an hour, and Kenma and Bokuto had already cheered up a lot from before. Across the room he saw Suna and Tsukki talking to each other, probably exchanging blackmail, and insults. Suga and Yaku were talking, possibly about mothering tactics and how frustrating their children were. To be honest they scared Kuroo when they did that. They were less like mothers and more like Vodka aunts. Tanaka and Nishinoya were talking to Yamamoto, probably something about girls. The Miya twins were running from Ennoshita and Kita for some reason while Mattsun, Narita, Kinoshita, and Hammamaki laughed at them. For the moment almost all was good. Hopefully the serials (Thats what Kuroo was calling them) were okay too. There was a loud knock on the gym doors. Kuroo figured it was probably just the coaches so he didn't do anything as Kenma went to go open the door. All of a sudden Kenma froze with a terrified and shocked looked on his face, before suddenly scrambling backwards. All the players in the room moved so that they could see who was standing there, before having similar reactions as Kenma. Finally Kuroo moved to see who it was before his face split into a giant grin. He looked into the faces of Shoyo, Aka, and Line. 

*A couple hours earlier*

Line POV (New character POV whoop-de-doo)

Line opened her eyes to a head of black hair. Afternoon light shone onto Akaashi's hair, making it shine. Wait afternoon light? Hadn't she fallen asleep in the morning? How long exactly had they let her sleep... Line saw Sho lift up his head from where he was sitting against a crate and make eye contact with her. An expression of pure relief spread over his face and she raised two fingers (If you don't remember thats switch guard). Sho shook his head. Line got up anyways. She walked over to him and leaned against him. If he wouldn't let her guard than at least she could try to warm him up a little. Line noticed that the only kind of shirt Hinata was wearing was his long sleeve that he wore under his jacket. She finally noticed that on top of her purple jacket there was also a black one. Line moved to take the black jacket off, but Sho stopped her whispering "You need it more than I do" Line disagreed with that statement. She stubbornly pulled her jacket off and put it around Sho's shoulders. "If you freeze to death, then me and Aka will be sad" she told him. Sho laughed a little before saying "Kageyama might kill me a second time..." She looked at him confused. "Who's Kageyama?..." she asked. Sho actually laughed this time. "A kid on my volleyball team." "Like my brothers?" Line asked him. "Your brothers play volleyball?" "Yeah, they play for Inarizaki, 'sumu and 'samu." Sho paled drastically before whisper yelling "YOUR BROTHERS ARE THE MIYA TWINS?!" Line nodded laughing a little bit. "You know them?" she asked. "Do I..." Sho muttered. "Those two are scary..." Line laughed more. "They are really good brothers though. They argue with each other a lot." Shoyo nodded. "I bet they are great brothers Line" Sho told her. Line snuggled closer into him and whispered "Your a great brother too Sho." She imagined he would be blushing if his face wasn't already bright red from the cold. They sat like that for a while, just enjoying each others warmth. Finally Line asked "Whats the rest of your volleyball team like?" Sho smiled a little his eyes closed. "Well first theres Daichi and Suga. They are like the Mom and Dad of the team, but you DON'T want to make them angry. Then theres Tsukishima, he's a salty a-" Line giggled at him almost cursing. "He likes making people mad, and he's a super tall middle blocker same as me." "I assume your talking about the middle blocker part not the tall part?" Line questioned. Sho started tickling her. How did he even know where she was ticklish?! In between shrieks of laughter she managed to say "Sho!....Stop!..... ack....Your being loud...." All of a sudden another voice was heard saying "Yes. Yes you are." The two looked up into a strangers face. Line didn't remember what happened next but she did remember running through the streets until her legs gave out. She and Sho had eventually found Aka and Tada in another alley. When they had settled back down Sho had said "We can't go on like this for much longer." Everyone looked at her and she bristled "Im not that fragile!" They all raised their eyebrows but didn't say anything else. Suddenly Sho spoke up. "Theres something happening at Karasuno in like an hour. Karasuno, Nekoma, Fukurodani, Seijoh, and Inarizaki are going to be there." Akaashi began to shake his head "Sho... I know what your thinking. And if this were any normal situation I would say absolutely not. But it might be our only option at this point." Tada nodded too. "What?" Line asked confused. "What is our only option?"  Sho looked her straight in the eye. "We're going to Karasuno"

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