Chapter 12- Reception

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A/N These titles are getting annoying to come up with should I change them?

*Trigger Warning this chapter has descriptions of a panic attack so don't read it if that makes you uncomfortable*

For the second time that day Hinata paled and started shaking. The man with the mask leaned in close to him so that his lips were almost touching Hinata's ear. "So hows the little girl doing" he whispered. Hinata's eyes widened. He managed to stutter, "D-dont t-touch her." The masked man drew back with mock surprise. "Oh?" he said. "Because you, the pathetic Hinata Shoyo, who cant eliminate someone without being majorly wounded, can take down me the best assassin the world has ever seen." Hinata choked, "How did you-" The man cut him off. "I know everything you do Shoyo." He punched Hinata right where his stab wound was. Despite Hinata wanting to keep Natsu asleep, he screamed. Colorful dots spotted his vision. He halfway sunk to the ground, but the masked man grabbed him by the neck and held him in the air. "You better be careful Shoyo. Because, if you aren't, your precious Natsu, or even your little volleyball team, might bit the dust a little sooner than expected." With that last remark, he dropped Hinata to the ground and whooshed (I can think of no better verb for this) out the door. Hinata could barely breathe. He grappled for his phone on the table and called the first number in his contacts. After a few rings Nishinoya's voice came through the receiver. It was loud and FULL of energy. "HEY SHOYO WHATS UP. ITS KIND OF LATE ISNT-" Hinata cut him off by saying, "Nishinoya-help-my house-cant breathe." From the receiver it sounded like Nishinoya had dropped his phone. A second later Noya was talking again. "Shoyo, me and Ryu will be at your house in 15 minutes. Right now I need you to breathe." "In and out." "In and out." Hinata tried to do this and it only somewhat worked. Hinata heard Nishinoya yell, "RYU HINATA'S HAVING A FUCKING PANIC ATTACK WE ARE GOING TO HIS HOUSE GO GET SAEKO." There was a distant yell of "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK." 30 seconds later there was the sound of slamming car doors. "Shoyo I need you to stay on the phone with me. We are on our way. Try to keep breathing. And do NOT shut your eyes." Hinata choked out an okay. Still leaning against the cabinet, all Hinata could do was wait.


So this was like the shortest chapter EVER but I wanted to get something out before the weekend. I originally had Hinata calling Daichi and Suga, but when I was typing it, it felt like that was getting kind of repetitive. Plus I just really like Nishinoya because he's a short volleyball player and I get that. Also he's a libero so mad respect to anyone who can do that. New chapter probably Monday or Tuesday. Love you all. 

- Jellybeans

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