Chapter 11- The Wall

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The rest of the school day went by uneventfully for the most part. Hinata slept through his classes, trying to ignore the pain in his gut. After classes Hinata went to volleyball practice. Everybody kept giving him concerned looks, but thankfully nobody said anything. When practice ended Hinata stayed in his practice clothes and biked (Is that the right word?) home in order to get there before Natsu. Hinata cooked dinner for the two and they sat down to eat. For some reason Natsu seemed off, like she was scared of something. Finally she asked, "Shoyo? Where did Mommy go?" Hinata's mac and cheese stopped half way to his mouth. He looked directly into Natsu's tear filled eyes. "Why-" her voice cracked. "Why did she have to leave us alone?..." Hinata hadn't realized their mothers disappearance had affected his little sister this much. Hinata got out of his chair and knelt down next to her so they were eye level with each other. He spoke to her in a gentle voice. "Natsu... Mommy had to leave because of some bad guys. Hopefully some day she can come back to us. And we aren't by ourselves!... We have each other and thats all that matters." Hinata reached out and wiped the tears from Natsu's cheeks. "Are bad guys the same reason you leave every night?" she asked. Hinata looked at her in shock. "You know about that?" She nodded. "Every night the door opens and closes twice. You always come upstairs to check on me a few minutes after the second one so after a while I figured it was you coming home!" Hinata laughed quietly. "You know Natsu, your pretty smart for a six year old." Her face split into a grin. Hinata held open his arms for a hug. She smashed into him so hard that the two of them fell to the ground, Hinata on the bottom (Get your brains out of the gutter people.) Hinata bit back some colorful language as Natsu landed on his gut wound. She was pretty cute though so he didn't complain. The siblings laid there on the floor for a while. After a few minutes Hinata realized Natsu had fallen asleep. Hinata quietly laughed again. How on earth did she manage to do that. (Actually tho Natsu teach me your secrets) Careful not to wake the sleeping girl up, Hinata carried her bridal style up the stairs to her room. As he tucked Natsu under her covers, he kissed her on the forehead and whispered (I just realized theres a lot of whispering in this chapter) "Sweet dreams..." When he got back to the kitchen Hinata cleaned up the forgotten dishes from the mac and cheese. As he turned away from the sink, he was greeted by a certain someone wearing all black and mask. As usual this made Hinata flinch so dramatically that he almost dropped the pot he was holding. "Hello Shoyo."


So as I may have mentioned beforehand, I write chapters in a physical notebook, then copy them over to wattpad. Lets just say that after the first half of the chapter, everything went bat-shit crazy. I kind of like whats about to happen though. I also finally made a cover! I saw that picture and thought it would be perfect. So I love you Killua but SAYONARA. The sound of silence is playing really loud in my earbuds right now. Its kind of ironic. Anyways, next chapter should be soon, because I have half of the next chapter planned in my head. So anyways have a good day and stay safe!

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