Chapter 6- Serve

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Just for reference, this is after Hinata storming out of the gym, but before the group chat. Sorry the orders weird. 

Hinata was miserable. After storming out of the gym, he had proceeded to walk directly into a 

metal pole, which made his head hurt even worse. As Hinata biked home, he yelled at himself 

internally for his stupidity. 'You idiot!' 'Now they are going to have questions that you cant 

answer!' 'And if they found out, they would turn on me, or worse become targets!' If Hinata's 

friends became targets, then Hinata didn't know what he would do. At this point, Hinata had 

arrived back at his house. Sighing, he pushed open the door. Hinata was tackled by a small 

orange haired ball of energy. Natsu. Hinata looked at his phone and realized it was 8:30. Almost 

time for Natsu to go to school. "Shoyo!!!!!!" Natsu said excitedly. The loud noise hurt Hinata's 

ears, but seeing Natsu smile like this was worth it. Hinata crouched down to eye level so he was 

eye level with his sister. Hinata smile, a real genuine smile. "Hey Natsu" Hinata whispered. "How

 would you like it if I walked you to school today?" Natsu started jumping up and down with 

happiness. "Go grab your stuff and then we can get going."

                                       *Timeskip brought to you by Sugas mama mode*

Hinata stood outside the elementary school gates and waved good bye to Natsu. His head still 

hurt, but it wasn't as bad. As he turned around to leave he heard a voice yelling "CHIBI-

CHAN!!!!!!" Ugh Hinata reeeaaallly didn't have the energy to deal with Oikawa today. Sadly, the

 grand king was already walking over, so Hinata didn't have an escape route. He plastered a fake

 smile at waved back at Oikawa. They finally reached each other and Hinata asked "What are you

 doing here." Oikawa laughed (His usual laugh) and said " I was dropping my nephew off at 

school today. (I am fully aware that Takeru is probably in middle school, but plot.) "Why aren't 

you at practice Grand King?" Hinata asked. "We don't have practice on Wednesday's, it's a break 

day. What about you Chibi-Chan? Doesn't Karasuno have practice today?" Hinata nodded. "Yeah

 we do. I was there earlier but I twisted my wrist pretty badly, so I left early." Oikawa looked 

concerned. "Can you still play?" Oikawa asked worriedly. " Yeah it'll be fine in a few days." Hinata

 said. "Just make sure it doesn't get any worse. And make sure you don't overwork it. And-" 

Hinata cut him off. "Jeez Grand King why are you so worried? You sound like Suga and Daichi!"  "

 If you aren't at your best then what would the point of crushing you at the Inter high- Prelims 

be? It wouldn't feel nearly as satisfying!" Hinata let out a small laugh. Oikawa suddenly looked 

down at his watch. "Oh jeez! Im going to be late! See you on the flip side Chibi- Chan!!!!" And 

with that Oikawa sprinted away leaving Hinata standing there awkwardly. All Hinata wanted was

 to go home and sleep until Natsu got home. How could this day possibly get any worse!!!!!?????


Im really sorry I said I would update Monday, but I got crashed with work, and didn't have any time to actually type this out. Good news from that though, I already have the next chapter written out most of the way on paper. This chapter did have a purpose BTW. Things will escalate next chapter probably. That will be out at least by Friday. I try not to have a set schedule, because that usually makes the quality which is already not great go down. So yeah. Also I suck at writing conversations, so sorry about that. Till next time! Have a great day!    


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