Chapter 35- Kiri & Aka

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Trigger warnings: Really graphic descriptions of things

Im trying to make the fight scenes as accurate as possible, in case you don't know critical distance is basically how far you away you can be to hit someone. My lil sis is a short fencer so I consulted her for this. (She is very dangerous with a sword, like seriously, good thing we get along). It took me two weeks to write this chapter, sorry its not great.

On those happy notes, onto the chapter!!!!!

Kiri POV

As Kiri climbed the ladder he felt the distinct change in atmosphere. It was thick with tension, maybe even sinister. As he passed Line on the floor he heard a whispered "You've got this" causing him to smile slightly. As Kiri reached the center of the room the masked man drew up to his full height casting a shadow over the smaller boy as he began to count. "10...9...8...7..6...5...4...3..2..1" On 1 Kiri lept backwards, trying to get as far away as possible from the masked man as he could. When Kiri had watched Line's fight he had noticed that the masked mans attacks usually happened at close range, and he was incredibly fast. Kiri usually dealt with people at long range due to the fact that he had short arms making his critical distance positively miniscule. Kiri backed up until his back hit a wall, about 20 ft away from his opponent. Thankfully though, the masked man didn't seem like he was going to make an attempt to attack yet. Kiri pulled two of his knives out of his thigh pouch and dropped into a fighting stance. Raising his elbows over his head, he threw the knives forward. One missed the masked man by a hairs width and sunk deep into the wall behind him. The other was....caught? Before Kiri could finish processing that thought he felt himself flying through the air, slamming into a concrete wall. The world spun and became fuzzy, and Kiri felt something run (for some reason auto correct thinks run isn't a word) down his face, and drop into his right eye. Blood. That was definitely NOT a good sign. Kiri struggled, desperately trying to get back on his feet. However every time he was close, his knees would buckle causing Kiri to crash back down. As Kiri fell down the third time something caught the front of his jacket and slammed him again into the wall. Black began to tinge the edge of Kiri's vision and he fought to remain conscious. The masked mans voice cut through the ringing of the smaller boy's ears. "Surrender" it demanded. Kiri spat blood onto the mask. He hissed, "Over my dead body". The  grip loosened on Kiri for a spilt second before it tightened again. This time the voice sounded almost hesitant. "If thats what it takes ". Kiri swung his leg out, trying to make contact with the masked head, but a hand caught it right before contact. The hand squeezed and Kiri heard a gut wrenching sound.


The scream Kiri unleashed was nothing like anything before. White hot pain ran from his ankle up to his femur. It hurt so fucking much that Kiri almost passed out this time. Almost wished that he passed out. Distant sounds of yelling could be heard, but Kiri couldn't focus on them. "Surrender." The voice demanded. Kiri's voice came out as little more than a whisper. "No". He couldn't give up. The lives of everyone in this room were staked on him. He couldn't let them down. Not now. More white hot agony rolled through Kiri and his scream resounded through the room once more. Kiri knew he wasn't going to win this. From what he could tell both of his legs were broken. But the masked man had apparently forgotten something very important. There was a harsh cracking sound as Kiri's fist connected with the dark mask of the man, cracks forming on the material. Kiri desperately tried to wiggle out of the masked mans now loosened grip, and after a few moments fell to the ground. Kiri swung another fist out to try and knock out the masked mans knees but before contact was made, a cold knife was pressed to his neck. "Last chance. Surrender." the deep voice demanded. Kiri's body chose that moment to give out. As he fell the rest of the way to the ground, blood pooling around him, Kiri managed to whisper three words.

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