Chapter 9- Set

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Small A/N: So there is an actual reason this didn't come out yesterday. I had some missing work for school I needed to get done. If any of you want to take AP world history freshman year? I don't recommend it. I have a 5 paragraph essay I need to write but I decided to do this first. So anyway enough of my rambling. 

This takes place roughly the same time as the last chapter

Hinata's POV

Hinata felt like complete and total shit. At 5:30 in the morning his alarm went off. As Hinata reached over to shut off the infernal screeching machine, a wave of agony came off of his stomach. Blinking back tears, Hinata remembered the events of the previous night. (y,x), Getting stabbed, the whole shebang. Desperately Hinata threw a book at the alarm, which miraculously managed to turn it off. Slowly and painfully, Hinata trudged to the bathroom. Once there, he slowly tried to remove the bandages from his torso, wincing in pain as they stuck to dried blood. Once they were off, they revealed a mass of dried blood. Worse, the skin around the stab mark was flaming red. Hinata didn't know much about medicine, but he was pretty sure it was infected. It wasn't like Hinata had never been hurt on a job before. He had. But it was never more than a few scratches or a shredded elbow. Hinata searched the medicine cabinet for something to treat it with but found nothing. In some attempt at helping, Hinata gently washed the wound with water and rewrapped his torso with fresh bandages. He was almost out of those too. According to the clock it was 6:00. Still about an hour till Natsu woke up for school, so Hinata slowly trudged downstairs to the couch. He turned the TV on to some random drama, and watched it for a couple minutes before falling back asleep.

*2 hour later*

Hinata woke up to something pushing back and forth. Man that hurt like hell. He opened his eyes to see Natsu standing over him, a stern expression on her face. The small girl began speaking in a disapproving voice. "Shoyo you are late to school. You need to get up right now and get going." Hinata smiled softly at her. "Sorry Natsu. Shoyo is sick today and can't go to school. Is there a way you could stay at a friends for the weekend? I don't want to get you sick." Natsu frowned but nodded in understanding. "I have to go!" she yelled "Feel better Shoyo!" And with that she grabbed her stuff and ran out the house, slamming the door behind her. The rest of the weekend passed in somewhat of a blur. Every few hours Hinata would wake up, change the bandages (until he ran out of them), go to the bathroom, and maybe eat something. Before he knew it, it was 5:30 on monday. The screeching machine woke him up, and Hinata threw another book at it, making it shut up. He was getting really good at that. Hinata made his way to the bathroom and re-checked the wound. Now in addition to the flaming red sides, liquid was forming under the skin. The infection was definitely getting worse. There wasn't much Hinata could do about it though. He was going to go back to school and volleyball today. Hinata had forged a doctors note saying that he was cleared to play and didn't have a concussion. After a quick breakfast, Hinata grabbed his stuff and started his daily bike ride over the mountain. To say the least, it hurt like a bitch, and he definitely should not have been doing it. Karasuno here I come.


So I know this chapter was like three days late but I had a ton of missing work I had to finish and yeah. This chapter was written over the course of about three separate days on the computer and three in my notebook. Still don't really like this chapter, but you needed to see what was going on with Hinata. Next chapter will probably be interesting, because Hinata will probably be meeting up with Karasuno. Probably more Sugamama. Possibly some Dadchi. On a more exciting note, HAIKYUU SEASON FOUR PART TWO COMES OUT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO FREAKING EXCITED AND AHHHHHH. Also Jujutsu Kaisen is going to be amazing. So anyways. Next chapter sometime next week probably. Also sorry about Hinata's assassin name, I couldn't think of anything super cool, and I am not creative AT ALL. Don't want to be super specific, because I don't like making promises I can't keep. Hope you all have a great day and stay safe!!!!!


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