Chapter 2- Bows

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Sugawara POV

            Suga's mother senses were tingling. There was simply no other way to put it. As soon as 

Hinata and Kageyama walked into the gym, he knew something was up. As usual the two were

 bickering about something or other, but Hinata's smile and arguments seemed to be forced. 

Suga turned to his teammate and friend Daichi, and knew Daichi had come to the same 

conclusion. (Dad senses). Suga and Daichi made a silent agreement to make sure their kouhai 

was okay, and they began to walk towards him. However, before they could make it too Hinata, 

Coach Ukai yelled to start practice. Practice went pretty much usual. And then it was time for 

spiking practice. Hinata was in Suga's line that day. (A/N Its a drill where theres two lines one on

 either side, If you want more details let me know.) Suga noticed that Hinata's jumps were higher 

than usual. Because of this, Suga had to keep setting higher and higher. At this point Hinata was

 getting about 4 feet of air, plus his hang time which was also longer than usual. This was fine 

until one particular jump. As usual, Hinata asked for a set with some force, and threw the ball for 

Suga. Suga tried to predict where Hinata would be, and set the ball for him. Suga was wrong. 

The set was too low, and it hit Hinata straight in the face. Usually this wouldn't be a big deal (A/N

 just for reference irl its actually not a big deal unless its really hard, I get hit at least three times a

 practice :) ) However, the combined force of the set, Hinata's exhaustion from jumping this all 

practice, and Hinata's height/ hang time, made Hinata fall strangely. Suga watched helplessly as 

his kouhai fell flat on his back, and heard the gut wrenching sound of hardwood hitting skull. 

The entire gym went silent. Then a single eruption of sound. " HINATA"


Chapter 2 peoples. So I know it seems like Im making a huge deal out of this scene, I promise theres a reason for it that will reveal itself in due time. I really don't want to have to explain volleyball technical terms, so the next chapter will be a index of some sorts. That's so there aren't so many in chapter A/N's. Schedule still going to be inconsistent. Pretty sure none of you read my other book, but I am on a break from that one, so updating for this will be more often, probably at least once a week. Also I have a lot of this one written and planned out on notebook paper.  Im bolding the next part cuz I need people to read it. HELP PEOPLE. I NEED IDEAS FOR HINATA'S ASSASSIN NAME, I DON'T HAVE AN OUNCE OF CREATIVITY IN MY BODY, PLUS I THINK IT WOULD BE COOL FOR YOU TOO CHOOSE. COMMENT YOUR IDEAS OR MESSAGE ME. THANK YOU. Also Im still designing his assassin outfit I referenced first chapter, so I'll post a picture of that sometime soon.  This A/N is so freaking long. See ya next time!!!!


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