Chapter three: part two

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Back to Tierra.

Tierra kept thinking about Damon and their time together, she wished she had kept it in a small photo in her locket next to the one with her and her mother, she has changed so much since then and Tierra looked at her new phone it was all set up with her true friends and family she partly wishes that Damon was in her phone contacts photos and all that.

her mum walked into her room saw her sitting on her bed playing with her locket and looking at the window, looking so desolated and disoriented that's when she was almost ready to open up to her mum about what happened and her time with Damon.

Tierra's mother: are you alright? you haven't been yourself since you got back, are you ready to talk to me about it, you know I'm always here for you honey, I love you no matter what and I won't let anyone harm you again.

Tierra: I know mum and I love you too and it's ok. I'm okay

Sarah: I missed you so much and I still do and I know it sounds crazy but I never stopped looking for you. I got our house in order, your dad is in prison far away so you don't need to worry about him ok?

Tierra: ok and I missed you too. it was so hard, but I had to leave I'm sorry I did and with no warnings I didn't mean to scare you, I never intended it.

Sarah: I know honey, you can always come to me whatever you need and whatever you wanna talk about. I'm right here.

Tierra: I know mum. I was so scared.

Sarah: you don't need to be, not anymore.

Tierra takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, then she tells her mum about it.

Tierra: ok, I'm ready to tell you about what happened to me last year.

Sarah: ok honey, what happened?

Tierra: when I ran away into the woods, somehow I fell and hit my head I wasn't conscious for a while and when I woke up I was in a different place I don't remember how I got there or anything but I did, I was locked in a room for a few months then the man of the manor came in and invited me to dinner then we talked and he put me in a room where I was comfortable the most.

Sarah: wow I don't know what to say.

Tierra: there's more. At first he was scary and intimidating but the more we spoke and got close I saw another side of him it was different a good different and the rumours and tales it was nothing compared to this. I liked it a side that I could trust.

Sarah: right, who was this man?

Tierra: his name was Damon, some kind of leader where he's from it's hard to explain.

Sarah: so he's..

Tierra: yeah he's real cause I met him and stayed with him for a year obviously he's the devil literally.

Sarah: I can't believe it.

Tierra: most people wouldn't of. I know

Sarah: yeah, but I'm glad you're ok.

Tierra: yeah I am ok better than I have been in a while actually.

Sarah: that's good to hear honey. I can't believe I'm saying this but do you miss him? I'm Glad you're safe and ok.

Tierra: yeah I do, but it was time for me to come back and leave as it was getting dangerous for me to stay cause some of the minions didn't approve of me and well I'm mortal not a celestial being. I miss him everyday I wish he was here.

Sarah: yeah I bet you do. I'm sorry don't know what I could do to help.

Tierra: it's ok mum, don't worry about it and don't worry about me.

Sarah: it's my job, you always will be my little girl no matter how old you are you always will be.

Tierra: I know mum, I love you.

Sarah: I love you to hunny.

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