Chapter nine: part four

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The next day they decided to jam out to the classic rock before Olivia has to go back for her appointment.

Tierra: so what's this appointment really about?

Olivia: nothing important. Mums making me go on the pill that's all.

Tierra: why? You're not sleeping with anyone are you?

Olivia: no it's my cycle I get heavy cramps. That's why.

Tierra: oh, right.

Olivia: are you thinking of going on?

Tierra: no way.

Olivia: I mean you're with Damon right?

Tierra: that doesn't mean I'm sleeping with him.

Olivia: not yet anyways. *then laughs*

Tierra: stop it! Keep it PG please. *she laughed*

Olivia: okay okay do you think he's great in that department or?

Tierra: or what?

Olivia: just or?

Tierra: I don't know. Maybe?

Olivia: okay, has he took you out on a date apart from his estate?

Tierra: yes and you know that already.

Olivia: right. Yeah I forgot about that, my bad.

Tierra: no worries. What about you? Is there anyone you secretly seeing or something?

Olivia: yeah and no you know the guys around here suck.

Tierra: true. Are you seeing someone who's out of town?

Olivia: maybe. My mum doesn't know so please keep it on the down low?

Tierra: your secret is safe with me. You know that and are you taking it slow this time?

Olivia: weirdly yes. I really like this guy. There's something about him that makes me wanna do this differently you know?

Tierra: yeah I do.

Olivia: time check please?

Tierra: time you got a watch? Lol.

Olivia: haha very funny.

Tierra: look at the clock downstairs to check the time.

Olivia: okay.

Tierra: it was nice seeing you though. Missed this and us.

Olivia: me too and you too.

They both went downstairs and Olivia grabbed her belongings and went home so she could go to her doctors appointment.

They met up the next day at school.

Tierra: howdy stranger.

Olivia: howdy what are we cowboys now or something? We ain't from Texas or Tennessee.

Both laughed.

Tierra: You loved it though really.

Olivia: sure thang.

Tierra: okay you can stop now.

Both laughed again.

Olivia: looking forward for school.

Tierra: not really. Anxiety is a pain.

Olivia: yeah that must suck but you know I'm

Tierra: aww who know you could be so sentimental. Thanks I appreciate that a lot.

Olivia: you should be.

Tierra: so how did your appointment go with the doctors the other day ?

Olivia: yeah it went well. Cheers.

Tierra: are you okay?

Olivia: yeah why wouldn't I be?

Tierra: you seem off. I'm usually the off one aha.

Olivia: it's nothing, I'm fine honest.

Tierra: only if you're sure.

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