Chapter three: part one

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A few moments has passed with Tierra and the demon and he grew closer and more closer to her. Something strange is happening to him that has never happened before and he doesn't know what it is and what it means.

Could it be the gods made Tierra just for him to become vulnerable and not much of a monster everyone fears he is? Is there a reason why he preferred to be feared than loved? To hold such a reputation of all these years ?

The demon started to feel emotions that he hasn't felt before and he's confused with them and all his minions got curious and worried cause they might think he's sick and plotting something against him like a challenge.

One of his main minion was still loyal to the demon overheard what the others were plotting and told him straight afterwards to help minimise the damage. Tomas was the one who warned the demon Damon and Marc was in the meeting room as Tomas knocked and told the shocking news. Marc was also a loyal minion as loyal as Tomas to him as they both owed him a great debt by saving their lives and repaid him by working for him.

Damon; thank you for informing me with your concern, i'll take it from here

Tomas: yes, sire as you were

Tomas leaves the meeting room and closes the door.

Marc: what are you planning to do with this problem you're having? if they're planning something it's something big.

Damon: yes, well that's not going to happen, is it Marc?

Marc: meaning?..

Damon: yes meaning you're going to find out who's behind this and bring them to me, immediately.

Marc: yes, Damon right away.

Marc left the meeting room and started talking to the other minions, he started talking to Apollo,  Seth and Ruth trying to figure out who's overthrowing Damon and plan to hurt the one he started  to fall for and her family and friends and lastly the world and making Damon watch.

He obviously had to play it cool and very smart so it wouldn't blow his cover and not to make this problem worse. he has his ways and methods to do so. Marc did some digging figuring out who's the ring leader for this chaos.

Marc: hi, Ruth.

Ruth: hello Marc long time.

Marc: yes, it has been.

Ruth: I know you're not here for small talk Marc I know you too well, more than you know yourself, it's about the whispers of overthrowing Damon etc, etc.

Marc: yes, it's madness

Ruth: it appears our beloved leader is going soft, vulnerable Lilith has never made him that it was the opposite, best matrimony ever to exist.

Marc: for a time yes, but that was also chaos.

Ruth: that was the point, the fun of it all. but then again I guess I see your point.

Marc: we evolve and this time it might be good and different. you should know this.

Ruth: I suppose and I take it you want to know the leader. who's stirring up all this and harm his special little mortal.

Marc: yes. after all you also owe me, it's time to pay up.

Ruth: very well, try speaking to Seth and Apollo and his goons.

Marc: thank you, ruth don't worry I'll leave your name out of this.

Ruth: of course and I know you will.

Marc has always loved ruth since he helped her when she was in deep trouble and she liked him back, but hasn't admitted it back yet.

Marc went to find Apollo and Seth to talk about this plot scheme against Damon.

The rest of the minions was also loyal to Lilith Damon's ex lover such as Seth and Apollo, Tomas was a few millennia ago but not anymore since Damon broke it off with her.

Marc went back to Damon to give him an update and progress and he was close to a breakthrough and he told him that Apollo and Seth are loyal to the ring leader of this scheme and he's going to turn them in at dawn to interrogate and torture them to find the true culprit. Damon was eternally grateful to Marc and Tomas as they've stayed loyal and true to him since the beginning of time.

At dawn.

Marc brought them into the interrogation and torture room but they kept them separately like Apollo was in the torture room and Seth was in the interrogation room, Tomas was in the interrogation room with Seth and Marc was in the torture room with Apollo and they still haven't gotten an answer out of them so they switched up a bit and changed different strategies and different ways to deal with them. Seth and Apollo was being deadly loyal to Lilith who is the culprit behind this.

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