Chapter five: part three

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Damon's estate.

Marc and Tomas headed back to Damon's place to relax after a stressful week they had. With sentencing two minions to death who's was Seth and Apollo then they had arrested Lilith for life.

After they arrested Lilith, they have to prepare for the worst because of the reaction of her children god knows how they'll react.

So they're gonna have to play it smart and to keep it quiet for now then they'll decide on what to do with Lilith offspring it's just how they're going to do it.

Tomas: at least we got that sorted but there's one thing we left out.

Marc: her children. Maze and the others how would they react?

Damon: it can go both ways really.

Marc: that's true. I know for a fact that mazikeen hates her.

Damon: I guess she won't do anything rash unless we tell her before it happens to prevent more damage.

Tomas: I agree. Think it would be better that way.

Damon: ok then it's sorted.

Marc: yep

Damon: we should tell them now. Let's go.

They went to walk towards liliths children.
Prepared with all the outcomes it could've gone down.

Marc: are you ready for this Damon?

Damon: I have to be. Remember.

Marc: yes sir. You're the leader. Of course you have to be no matter what happens and how they would take it.

Damon: but thanks for checking in Marc, you're a good friend and loyal subject. Warrior all above.

Marc: thanks Damon.

Damon: it's alright. Let's get to business.

Marc: on it.

They entered where all Lilith's children hangs out at and told them the news, hoping that the outcome would be light instead of worse. But they're ready for every possible outcome that would occur.

So they entered their place as they were both very close. They found them in the living room talking rubbish about their mother while maze remains silent. Showing no emotion inside drinking alcohol.

Damon: pardon the intrusion but I must share news with you before someone else tells you and I think it would be better if it comes from me when I tell you this.

Maze: what is it?

Damon: it's your mother Lilith.

Maze: what has she done now.

Damon: she betrayed my trust and my rules so she's been sentenced to life in one of my potent cells where she remains powerless and cannot escape.

Maze: wow if that's all then you should be leaving. Is that all?

Damon: yes I guess we will be leaving then?

They both left.

Tomas: I was expecting more than that Damon if I'm being honest with you sir.

Damon: so was I, but I take they weren't close with her as I thought they would be.

Marc: master forgive me for saying this but Lilith isn't very affectionate at all.

Damon: you're forgiven and you're right. It does explain things.

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