Chapter seven: part three

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Olivia was waiting for Tierra outside of school so they can walk into school together.

Olivia: last year finally I can't wait to leave!!

Tierra: me neither.

Olivia: nervous?

Tierra: sure *sarcastically then laughed*

Olivia: how is it in the safe house ? *whispered* if you're still in there that is.

Tierra: yes, it's cute and I wondered when we can get out of there and have my freedom back that's all I want.

Olivia: I bet.

Tierra: you have no idea.

Olivia: ouch. Bet you can't wait for our last year of school though.

Tierra: even though I'm far behind with everything you know.

Olivia: yeah but I can help you catch up and so would the teachers.

Tierra: yeah I guess.

Olivia: what's up? You seem really off.

Tierra: it's nothing, just feel different.

Olivia: most people would after experiencing what you went through it's normal it'd be weird if you didn't and I'm sure it will take time. The healing process.

Tess: yeah.

Olivia: anyways let's quick senior year in the butt and kick Chelsea's ass.

Tess: that I would love to see.

Olivia: it would be hilarious though wouldn't it?

Tess: yes it would.

Olivia: you know I'm always here for you right?

Tess: yeah I do know that.. and I'm always here for you too, Olivia.

Olivia: I miss you.

Tess: I miss you too bestie.

Olivia: here goes nothing.

Tess: yeah.

They both walk through the main doors of their school and Tess is mentally preparing herself for everything after what happened with her disappearance and her being missing and her dad.

Olivia: are you sure your ok?

Tess: yeah I'm okay just mentally preparing myself for the worst you know.

Olivia: I get that. But you know I'm always here for you and I got your back always.

Tess: I know and I got yours. My only true friend.

Olivia: awh you're so modest so sweet. Did that guy changed you?

Tess: maybe.

Olivia: maybe huh? That's all I get? When do I get to meet him?

Tess: soon.

Olivia: how soon though?

Tess: just soon. Eager aren't we?

Olivia: well I wanna meet the guy who gave the crushes and looked after you while I couldn't you know?

Tess: like I said soon.

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