Chapter seven: part four

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Olivia wanted to meet Damon and to find out his intentions with her friend Tierra to be the protective friend and to try to scare him in case but she doesn't know what he is and who he truly is. She's only protecting her from what comes after knowing who he truly is and his demons. Psycho exs.

Back at school.

Olivia: Tierra you're going to have to tell me something about Damon.

Tierra: maybe.

Olivia: oh come on don't tease me like that.

Tierra: how the hell am I teasing you?

Olivia: by not telling me and giving me that smile every single time. Please.

Tierra: soon.

Olivia: define soon.

Tierra: Just soon. Not yet.

Olivia: fine, ok soon then and it better be soon.

Tierra: it will be. Be patient my dear friend. *then chuckles*

Olivia: ha ha. Very funny and fine. *paused for a moment then* Is he hot?

Tierra: Olivia!!! Stop..

Olivia: we'll is he? Seems like he is by the way you blush and keep dodging the question and me meeting him. Relax you know I'm not like that.

Tierra: I know. Just wait ok?

Olivia: ok I know. Have you done it yet ?

Tierra: not yet. He's old school like that.

Olivia: aww this is a beauty and the beast situation right? Aww cute

Tierra: would you stop?

Olivia: you're blushing again. Someone's got the hots for Damon!!!

Tierra: shut up!! Ahaha

Olivia: someone's got the crushies.

Tierra: ok, you can stop teasing me now.

Olivia: hehe, fine I'll stop.

Tierra: I will get you back for this.

End of school.

Damon went to pick her up at school himself as he really wanted to see her and to make sure she's safe and ok. He waited outside until she walked out of school.

Tierra: sorry I got held up, my tutor gave me books to catch up and study a lot before my mocks come up.

Damon: it's okay, are you ready to go back home?

Tierra: safe house ? Yeah I'm ready to.

Damon: let's go.

He took her bags and put it in the boot of the car and he opened the passenger door for her.

Tierra: thank you.

Damon: anytime. How was your day at school?

Tierra: it's how I remember it. Like I never left.

Damon: are you okay?

Tierra: yeah I'm fine.

Damon: you know you can tell me anything.

Tierra: I know. It's nothing, really I promise.

Damon: I love you, Tierra.

Tierra: I love you too, Damon.

Damon: are you ready to go home.

Tierra: yeah I am. How long are we gonna be at the safe house? Any progress yet?

Damon: I don't know yet but I'll check in with my trusted colleagues on any updates. I'll let you know what happens and if anything changes I just can't risk you being in danger.

Tierra: I know and I understand that. Please be careful ok? I can't risk losing you either.

Damon: don't worry about me I'll be fine and you won't that's a promise I'm going to keep, I swear.

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