Chapter four: part three

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Present day:

Tierra is thinking of Damon hoping he was finding her. So he asks his trusted friends or loyal minions Marc and Tomas to find her. So he can help her with any other problems she has to spend time with her.

Damon's pov:

Damon: Marc Tomas can you find out where Tierra is.

Marc: sure I will get on it.

Damon: thank you, Marc. And Tomas get the car and meet me outside in 10.

Tomas: yes sir.

Tierra's location was 8 hours away from Damon. While Marc was finding her address Damon was finding something appropriate to wear.

Damon: have you found the address yet?

Marc: yes I have. I wrote it down there for you. Here it is.

Damon: thank you Marc. I need you to stay here I'm leaving you in charge while I'm gone I only trust you and Tomas. Don't let me down.

Marc: I won't boss. You can count on me and trust me.

Damon: good.

Tomas: are you ready sir? The car is ready for you.

Damon: thank you Tomas, this is where we're going.

Tomas: ok, sir.

Damon: great. Let's go.

Tomas and Damon got into the car and started their journey to Tierra's house. Tierra kept thinking of him too. Just wondering when she will see him again.

Damon: how long now?

Tomas: about 4 hours left now, sir.

Damon: please call me Damon now, Tomas.

Tomas: okay sir, sorry Damon, I'm not used to be on first name basis ever with you.

Damon: it's okay, Tomas and we'll need to blend in too.

Tomas: yeah that make sense, Damon.

Tierra's POV:

Tierra was listening to music with her headphones in putting some relatable songs on and started to write in her journal of how she feels to keep it up to date and for her to get used to getting her feelings out as a new leaf or whatever you call it to change for the better for her.
This is what it says:

"Dear diary,
Where do I begin to express my feelings, is it crazy that I miss him? Even to have feelings for him? My friends and mums facial expressions tells me that it is but to me it's not. Maybe it's because I spent quality time with him and start to know him as a person not a big scary boss, you know? Well I wish I can see him again and try to talk to him and find a way to be together at last.
Singing off well bye for now."

She went back downstairs to make something to drink and a sandwich then take a walk to clear her head. That's when she saw him again after a while of not seeing him for over a year.
And that's when he saw her.

Tierra walked to Damon really fast and they both hugged each other like when you really miss that person.

Tierra: how are you here? When did you get here?

Damon: I drove here. I missed you a lot and wanted to come and surprise you. Marc knows how to track people and found your new place.
Don't worry I took care of your father he won't be bothering you or your mother again.

Tierra: I'm so happy to see you and I missed you too.

Damon: me too. It's good to see you smile. It's beautiful you should smile more often.

Tierra: now I have a reason too. Is that all what brings you here?

Damon: maybe. We should do something together.

Tierra: yeah we should do you wanna watch a movie or come to my place?

Damon: I would love that.

Tierra: that's good. Great let's head back to mine and see what's on.

Damon: ok.

He opened the door for Tierra to let her in to his car to drive her back home. Then they'll decide what to watch at the movie theatre.

They arrived at her house.

Tierra: well make yourself at home, Damon.

Damon: I will do, but I'll respect your home though.

Tierra: yeah I know as yours was immaculate. As far as I can remember at least.

Damon: yeah it was. There's also another reason why I came by to find you.

Tierra: I knew there was something else, what's wrong?

Damon: I told you there was an ex, very dangerous more dangerous than your dad but she's very envious of you and feels threatened by you and wanted to take me down by hurting you and your mum and the world.

Tierra: oh my god. That's mental.

Damon: I know it's crazy but I will protect you and your mother. I love you, Tierra.

Tierra: I love you too, Damon. And are you sure you can do both?

Damon: of course I am.

Tierra: I know you're a man of your word. But what are you gonna do with Lilith when she takes it out on the world, how are you gonna protect us both?

Damon: that's for me to figure it out, and to know.

Tierra: yeah okay I trust you.

Damon: don't worry about it.

Tierra: I won't. You said that about my dad you got that handled so I know you'll handle this, but what do I say to my mum and what will you do put us in a safe house or something?

Damon: that's not a bad idea and I have my trusted guards to keep watch and protect you two while I deal with Lilith.

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