Chapter seven: part one

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Damon, Tierra and Sarah all sat down and watch a movie and was eating Chinese takeout. They were watching one of her favourite comedy films it helped her get through dark times in her life and Damon wanted to get to know her and her mother more.

Sarah appreciates what Damon is doing by making the effort to getting to know her better and she would have a chance to get to know him better. And so did he.

Tierra likes her mum and Damon getting on well so it was a huge success chatting and watching a movie and they liked it. He wants to do it again at some point after everything he worries about will be dealt with. Permanently.

Sarah: we'll look at the time, Tierra I think you should get to bed now you got school tomorrow.

Tierra: oh yeah last year of school every hour matters if I wanna pass and go to uni.

Sarah: you will pass now please go to bed.

Damon: I'll come with you.

Tierra: okay, thanks.

Damon walked Tierra to her room then he said.

Damon: I had a great time tonight getting to know your mum and spending time with you.

Tierra: me too, I also think my mum appreciates you making an effort to get to know her, no one has done that ever and I'm glad you had.

Damon: me too.

Their fingers locked in between as their talking.

Tierra: you know you can stay with me. Spend the night with me. If that's what you want?

Damon: you know I do but I think it's not the right time.

Tierra: I understand.

Damon: but I do appreciate the offer though, soon we can just not yet.

Tierra: of course, nighty night.

Damon: night tierra sleep well.

Damon went back to the living room of the safe house to talk to her mum Sarah.

Damon: Tierra is sleeping.

Sarah: ok and thanks Damon.

Damon: for what?

Sarah: for looking after her while I couldn't.

Damon: it's okay.

Sarah: she had a hard childhood but I know that doesn't begin to cover it.

Damon: yeah I know she told me.

Sarah: she also told me that you helped her and helped me.

Damon: yes that's true I did. No one deserves that.

Sarah: I want to thank you. It's my fault I should've left him earlier and I didn't know until now.

Damon: he was hiding what he was doing to her really so you couldn't of known and I understand why you didn't leave, he was threatening you wasn't he?

Sarah: yes, he threaten to kill Tierra. What kind of a man does that?

Damon: I know and he also threaten to kill you after you watched him doing those unforgivable unimaginable things to her before he did them to you.

Sarah: how did you know? Did she tell you?

Damon: he told me before I sorted him out.

Sarah: as in?

Damon: I have a friend at this prison where you send people like him for a while to scare them to change and it didn't work so he got the death row.

Sarah: oh, did he suffer?

Damon: he's suffering now and yes.

Sarah: he's in hell?

Damon: yes he is. You don't have to worry about him ever again.

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