Chapter five: part four

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Damon returns to tierra to check in. He wanted to surprise her and give her the updated news of what's happening in his realm. She was missing him endlessly to the point it was driving her crazy and it was driving him more crazy.

Tierra was just writing down on a plain piece of paper and drawing as she was catching up on her assessments from school one of the guards picked them up regarding to her safety. Her mum was helping her with her English maths and history homework because they were close to the same topics as her mum had done.

First she wanted to do English first and she has to review a book of her choice and answer 8 questions which was: one: what was the name of the book? Two: Why you chose it? Three: What you like about it ? Four: What could change if you were the author? Five: What was it about? Six: What draws you to it? Seven; Did you relate to any characters from the book? Eight: if so explain reasoning why?.

It was very in depth with the questions but that's what Tierra liked about English literature more than language. Just like her mother. Science was one of them too also she like music.

While Damon is on his way to Tierra in one of his safe houses he talking to one of the guards on his cell about what's she's doing and keep it as a surprise that he's coming to see her.

He's almost half way and tierra is stuck on one of her homework but she wanted to take a break by going to her room and decided to lay down and rest.

Damon has arrived to the safe house where Tierra is resting and when Damon went inside she still wouldn't wake, she's a deep sleeper her mum told him she's resting and to go into her room to surprise her when she does.

He was sitting on the chair next to the desk and next to her bed waiting until she wakes up from her rest/slumber and then surprise her, he was waiting for 2 hours until she finally woke up.

Tierra wakes up*

Tierra: oh my wow, hello when did you get back?

Damon: just a few hours ago.

Tierra: oh what have you been doing all this time?

Damon: waiting, sitting and thinking.

Tierra: thinking about what?

Damon: us more importantly our future.

Tierra: yeah?

Damon: yeah

Tierra: would you like to tell me what happened in your world? Did you find out who?

Damon: yes I did found out who did and don't worry about it ok?

Tierra: ok. I won't worry I know you got this handled.

Damon: I do. Is there anything you want to do today?

Tierra: I'd like to go out. With you if you want to go out that is?

Damon: I do. Where do you wanna go?

Tierra: the pier. They have foods rides etc.

Damon: sounds perfect.

The Demon CurseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora