Chapter nine: part two

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When they got back from the date it was late. So they had a pretty good time for their first ever official date.

Tierra is going on a study date with her friend to do some revision and prepare for their exams at the end of the semester and the year. She told Olivia all about her date and she seemed really happy about it.

Olivia: so how did the date go?

Tierra: it went well.

Olivia: details. Now!

Tierra: he took me to my favourite restaurant and we done more than the usual casual small talk it was more platonic than anything else but I enjoyed it.

Olivia: looks like you did cause you're blushing! And you look so happy and I'm glad that you are feeling good now and you seem more of yourself again but also reborn, I like it.

Tierra: thanks, Olivia.

Olivia: no worries. How you feeling about our exams coming up?

Tierra: nervous mostly. Just need to get my head down and focus and revise hopefully I should be prepared.

Olivia: me too.

Tierra: I can't wait for me to get to normal well new normal ya know.

Olivia: hey ... I get how hard it must be and I know it's a cliche of me to say that it takes time and it's true. Even though what you been through and what I experienced was completely different I lost my mum and your dad was ya know it takes time to heal and recover.

Tierra: it's okay and I know that sucks and I'm sorry again about that.

Olivia: it's cool, Tierra.

Tierra: aren't we a sad broken bunch, eh.

Olivia: yep nothing to do about it and just move on.

Tierra: agreed. So in an hour shall we take a break and head to Starbucks and get a coffee?

Olivia: I'd love to. I've been dying to get their new cappuccino ever since it came out.

Tierra: I fancy one of their latte's or frappe's to be honest.

Olivia: cool, sounds like a plan then.

A few hours has passed. Time to head to Starbucks for a break.

Tierra: do you want good along with the cappuccino?

Olivia: erm is that even a question? Yes!

Tierra: nice one and I don't know what to get I might head to Costa to get something to eat.

Olivia: ok, I don't mind waiting until we get our drinks then go to Costa, how does that sound?

Tierra: sounds good.

Olivia: I missed this. Just us two hanging out girls time.

Tierra: this won't be the last. There'll be more and soon we'll be buying our prom dresses together.

Olivia: yeah and you'll be helping me what dress I'd look cute in and what matches my figure and skin tone. You're good at stuff like that.

Tierra: I can say the same thing about you, Olivia.

Olivia: of course that's what friends are for.

Tierra: obviously. Do you remember that promise we made?

Olivia: like it was yesterday. Why bring it up now?

Tierra: cause I still mean it don't you?

Olivia: of course I do.

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