Chapter three: part three

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Back when Tierra and Damon was spending time together and getting close and started to grow feelings one another.

Sitting At the dinner table.
Damon: what's a girl like you being so far away from home alone?

Tierra: have some issues at home, I wanted to escape and have some space. To find some peace of mind.
Damon: has it got to do with parents? Do you have issues with your parents?

Tierra: yes. Only one. Which is my dad.

She's struggling to hide her bruises and scars  all over her body and Damon noticed it.

Damon: is one of them violent?

Tierra: my father yes.

Damon: was he a drunk or something?

Tierra: yes and yes.

Damon: interesting, or something meaning?

Tierra: my dad was a leader of one of the dangerous mafia when my mum was pregnant with me she tries to escape his mansion so I could have a free life.

Damon: wow I'm sorry to hear that, dear.

Tierra: it's ok, then he found us where we live and he's been violent in all the ways to me and been physical with my mother. That's why I ran away cause that's all I can think about in that head space you know.

Damon: wow that's horrible and I understand it's ok

Tierra: yeah

Damon: you don't have to worry about that anymore, cause I'm here now and nothing is going to hurt you or your mother again.

Tierra: really? What will you do? He's dangerous you don't understand how dangerous he is.

Damon: you don't have to worry and he hasn't met yet and I'm worse but you don't have to worry about me I will never harm you, ever.

Tierra: how are you going to handle it?

Damon: don't worry about that and you'll see he won't go near you or your friends and family I can promise you that he won't even get the chance to.

Tierra stayed silent for a moment.

Tierra: so I'm guessing I'm no longer your prisoner anymore?

Damon: no you're not. You're free to do whatever you wish, you're free to leave or stay.

Tierra: I want to stay for a while, if that's okay?

Damon: yes of course it is.

Tierra: thank you, I just need time.

Damon: of course take the time you need.

Tierra: I'm thankful for what you done for me. it does mean a lot.

Damon: it's okay.

Tierra: may I be excused?

Damon: yes, of course.

Tierra leaves the dining room and went into her room to change. Damon left a few moments later to catch up to her and he politely knocked on her door and asked if she was decent or ready for visitors.

Damon: are you ok, Tierra?

Tierra: yes, I'm ok thank you I'm just getting changed.

Damon: oh okay, sorry because at dinner you seemed a bit off.

Tierra: you can come in now, I'm decent.

Damon: ok thank you.

Tierra: yeah, sorry I'm just not used to opening up to people, I'm more the suffer in silence type of person, you know?

Damon: yeah I know and it's ok I know it must be hard opening up in general but to me it must be difficult, you're so brave to speak up like this, and I'm grateful that you did.

Tierra: yeah, well someone has to know I guess it's better than you know than my mum, saving her from this burden, she knows some things but not that he did more to me than he did to her, I don't know why.

Damon: he's disgusting and a foul creature you don't deserve this and I promise you he's going to pay for what he's done to you.

Tierra: I just want this to be over, to be normal and to be free.

Damon: I know you do and you will. can you remember anything that would help me find him?

Tierra: he's very tall like 6 foot, dark hair tanned skin, blue eyes and his name is Angelo don't know his last name, that's all I know sorry I can't help any more than that.

Damon: thank you I'm sorry again for bringing this up.

Tierra: it's okay.

Damon: it's not okay for what you're going through but my men and I are on it.

This is when Damon has started to get feelings for Tierra, getting so protective of her and caring got her, wanting what's best for her and a little later is when she was starting to feel the same way for Damon.

Few days has passed, Damon and Tierra has started to bond well and strong and so has their feelings grow stronger for each other and this is when they started to admit it.

Damon: Tierra there's something that I have to say to you.

Tierra: oh really and what is that exactly?

Damon: when we got to know each other I felt something and now I'm sure that I started to have feelings for you.

Tierra: oh wow. I have to admit that I feel the same way too.

Damon: you do?

Tierra: Yeah I really do.

Damon: that makes me happy as I never felt this way before. not with anyone but you.

Tierra: I like you Damon, like a lot.

Damon: like love?

Tierra: yeah..

Damon: I love you more than anything you're my life now.

Tierra: and you're mine.

Damon leaned in to kiss her and to hold her in his arms to make her feel safe and secure.

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