Chapter ten: part four

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Spring break has started up soon and they were left to prepare their mock exams. But Tierra had much more important things to worry about such as Lilith and this prophecy that Damon has mentioned. Even though Damon has reassured her number of times that he's got it handled and nothings going to happen or so he thought...

But He's been keeping tabs on it and to see what he can do in order to keep it quiet and safe. Damon has been asking his inside man about any updates and keep more of an eye and for good reason, he doesn't trust any of them Lilith and all of her kids as they'll side with her and cause more chaos into the world.

He's been keeping Tierra busy as much as he can so she wouldn't have to think about it too much and make her feel she's being helpful but by doing that at the moment is for her to finish school and to get into a great college and university and to get a good job and to have a normal life.

With her mum he's been doing the same, helping her get a better job for her and for Tierra's sake to get the best in life which is sweet and rare which they find, because from previous situations they have been through with Tierra's dad. It was refreshing for her to see that from him.

Damon: how was your first day at your new job Sarah?

Sarah: it was great, thank you for asking and giving me this opportunity to work for this company.

Damon: it's alright, I'm glad I could help.

Sarah: and thank you for everything. Especially with my daughter Tierra. It means a lot so thank you.

Damon: it's ok. She's safe and happy now that's all that matters and the same thing goes with you. I'm finding more of a permanent home for you when she finishes school and starts college. In the summer we all will look for a new home by then you'll have enough to pay for one.

Sarah: thank you again, and that's very generous of you to do that for us. And I do have some saved up for a rainy day two accounts when Tierra was younger one is for her college fund and the other is for an emergency in this case it is an emergency.

Damon: overall with the new salary you can pay for a new home with high security to keep you safe from any danger.

Sarah: that would be amazing! But also very homey. For the both of us.

Damon: exactly.

Sarah: how have you been doing? In general I mean.

Damon: I'm doing well thank you for asking, Sarah how are you given the circumstances?

Sarah: I'm doing fine thanks, Damon.

Damon: that's good.

Sarah: Damon, can I ask you something?

Damon: of course. Ask away.

Sarah: what is exactly going on here?

Damon: it's just a safety precaution at the moment in case and to move you to a different place where he won't find you.

Sarah: thank you. Is one of your friends finding us one?

Damon: yes this isn't permanent I swear.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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