Chapter eight: part three

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Damon knows what to tell Tierra now and he decided to hell her about the apocalypse curse on the world.

Tierra: so you're going to tell me about this prophecy then?

Damon: yes I am. it started from the beginning of time in Ancient Greece is where is started at the time.

Tierra: okay, please continue.

Damon: the prophecy was set and made by a powerful witch in that time, I only know some of this but I will tell you what I know.

Tierra: that's fine that's all I'm asking.

Damon: there has been a feud between three or four families but she got angry and created a curse on the world and in order to break it one of the family involved will have to be sacrificed in the place where the curse has been placed. some kind of temple.

Tierra: that's dark. and am I involved in this somehow.

Damon: unfortunately yes you are, it's your bloodline the doppleganger must be sacrificed in order to save the world.

Tierra: oh my god...

Damon: it's a lot to take in I know but I'm finding another way a loophole so you won't and I won't let that happen Tierra I promise you that.

Tierra: I honestly don't know what to think right now. has this got to do with Lilith and her kids?

Damon: wanting to cast it? yes.

Tierra: I guess it all makes sense now then.

Damon: yes I guess it does. With Lilith and all it does.

Tierra: yeah that's what I meant. I'm scared Damon I never asked for this I don't want to die.

Damon: I know you don't and I don't want that either I love you.

Tierra: I love you too, Damon. Thank you for telling me about this. Glad to know we are in this together as partners.

Damon: me too. I don't want you to get hurt.

Tierra: same goes for you I want you to be safe too so please be careful.

He'd die for her gladly but he didn't want to say that not yet. But she knows and she'd do the same.

Damon: You know I always am and always will.

Tierra: I'm grateful for everything you do for me and my mum and my friends even the world so thank you.

Damon: anytime. You know that.

Tierra: I do.

Damon: stay safe and don't worry I'll find a way.

Tierra: I know you will but what if there isn't?

Damon: they'll be another way. There has to be a loophole.

Tierra: only if you're certain, Damon.

Damon: I am. I won't stop until I find it.

Tierra: i know you won't. let's change the subject into a happy one ok?

Damon: ok, what would you want to talk about?

Tierra: us maybe or something else other than this curse? something normal for once. even though our lives aren't normal.

Damon: I would like to take you out.

Tierra: like on a date? in your realm or olden words to court me?

Damon: yes officially. what do people do on dates here?

Tierra: Well pretty much anything, like movies restaurants picnics parks. for example.

Damon: very well let's do both then, movie and dinner. how does that sound? 

Tierra: that sounds good.

Damon: let's do it tomorrow night.

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