Chapter four: part one

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Back to torture and interrogation of Apollo and Seth. This time Damon came in and started to get rough and intense.

Damon: what's with the hold up? What's the matter Seth cat got your tongue?

Seth: just not used to seeing you being the old you again that's all

Damon: that's all huh? So what's with this plot about then? Who's In charge of this ridiculous scheme to overthrow me and get away with it? No that ain't gonna happen so tell me Seth who's behind this?

Seth: Torture me all you want cause I ain't talking my lips are sealed so I'm better off dead cause I mean that much to you now.

Damon: so this is how it's going to be.

Seth: seems likely.

Damon speaks to Marc.

Damon: Im gonna check in on Tomas you know what to do. Torture him good limb from limb or teeth or whatever just do it. Tell a lie just get it done.

Marc: of course right. I'm on it.

Damon: good.

Damon walks out of the room and went in to check in on Tomas. Then he walks into the other torture room.

Damon: tell me what I wanna know and maybe I won't kill you or anything worse.

Apollo: interesting.

Damon: what's interesting? Me doing my job me being the old me yeah I heard that one before. Just get it over with and tell me who's behind this.

Tomas: Damon *he whispers in his ears* he hasn't budged yet I was thinking you should do something.

Damon: yeah I will.

Apollo: what.

Damon: you know what just tell me who's behind this? Another minion or another demon? What? Do you want me to hurt you bad cause I will.

Apollo: you think that scares me? Please. I do that for a living you know.

Damon: yeah but it hasn't been used on you and these bad boys are specialised for your kind that would hurt you not tormented souls or mortals. So yeah you should be scared.

Apollo: damn.

Damon: Seth mentioned something now I remember which is funny that it was a women you like was it I'm sorry it's kinda hazy and fast as I left the room he mentioned your crush. Well she's just using you I know that for a fact.

Apollo: Lilith wont she loves me how dare, great.

Damon: great tactic works every time. So my ex wife is your lover well she downgraded and she wanted to be the one in charge and then what?

Apollo: not saying anything.

Damon: Tomas, can you pass me the knife on the right?

Tomas: yes boss.

Damon: thank you.

Tomas started to get more information about Lilith so it started to get ugly.

Tomas: so this is how it's gonna go down, you tell me what I wanna know or you're gonna bleed.

Apollo: what a cliche. You think it's a scare tactic but it's music to my ears *he laughs*

Tomas: hmm. Sure it music to your ears but these bad boys will make you scream. So it's truth or well you know.

Apollo: fine.

Tomas: so you're gonna tell me now? Or you're gonna still be a prat.

Apollo: I'll tell you I don't care what happens to me.

Tomas: ok then.

Apollo: we all keep seeing that girl when she got here changing Damon, even Lilith and she heard what we all said so she started to get envy about her and he started to get soft not the Damon we like.

Tomas: and?

Apollo: then she started to come up with this plan to overthrow him and go to her and kill her while Damon watches and take vengeance out of the world. You know how Lilith gets.

Tomas: ok.

Damon returns back to one of the torture rooms where Apollo was held.

Damon: so what's the verdict?

Tomas: he just told me it was Lilith and her plan that she wants to kill Tierra while you watch and start an apocalypse. Pretty much.

Damon: thank you, now kill him.

Tomas: yes sir and burn the body.

Damon: correct.

Damon walked out snd figure out what to do with Seth and Lilith while Tomas kills and burns Apollo's body. he put his ashes in the fire. then Damon walks into the other torture rooms with Seth tied up and Marc torturing him. 

Damon: I got everything I need to know from Apollo he's dead now. I just need to figure out what to do with you.

Seth: are you going to kill me, Damon?

Damon: maybe? I'm so tempted by that idea believe me.

Seth: then do it!

Damon: maybe I'll think on it tonight then decide what punishment sees fit for you tomorrow.

Damon is conflicted to either torture Seth which he thinks and kill him or let him go free. he's going to choose to do a public death to send out a message to his minions, victims and his ex wife Lilith.

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