Part two

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Why was Tomas seem so nice to Tierra all of a sudden? Is it because she has respect for him?

Minion 2: here's clean clothes for you and here's your food and water
Tierra: thanks, can I speak to someone who's In charge? Your boss or master whatever you call him? Can I speak to Tomas ?
Minion 2: well you do ask a lot of questions don't you, pretty face.
Tierra: the pretty face has a name, its Tierra by the way please call me Tierra
Minion 2: ok Tierra
Tierra: wait, I didn't catch your name
Minion 2: Marc, with a c
Tierra: well Marc with a c, when will I meet your boss?
Marc: soon. Tierra. But for now you stay here until tomorrow you'll be out me and Tomas will show you around and have a little freedom here like to our boss' people .
Tierra: ok I think

Marc leaves her and waits for the next day so he and Tomas could take her to explore his domain.
The next day

Tierra: I'm so glad to be out
Tomas: that's good Me and Marc have spoken to our "boss" and he agreed that you can have your very own room and you can have freedom and wonder round the halls or outside as long as you please
Tierra: that sounds good to me
Marc: but there's only one condition
Tierra: and what's the condition
Marc: that's your not allowed to go beyond these gates and these walls
They've been built around for a reason
Tierra: and what reason is that
Tomas: the creatures beyond those walls our dangerous Tierra.
Tierra: really?
Tomas: yes really
Tierra: now can you please tell me why your boss has me I deserve to know so I get to meet him now?
Marc: yes, yes you do.

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