Chapter eight: part one

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The instant thought came rushing back into Damon's mind about Lilith and her kids and what they might plan to do so he check back in to his most trusted associates and asks for updates.

He was being secretive about it so he wouldn't worry Tierra and her mother. Which is understandable because he doesn't want anything bad happening to them.

He called his associates up and asked for updates when he dropped Tierra back to the safe house as it's been too long. He started to worry. Why wouldn't he? He loves her so deeply. She loves him too.

They arrived at the safe house now.

Tierra walked in while Damon stayed out to make the call.

Tierra: aren't you coming in?

Damon: in a minute, I just have to make a quick call. Won't be long.

Tierra: ok then, don't take long.

Damon: I won't I promise.

She went inside getting on with her homework and wondering what she should do for her final project. As she waited after Damon's phone call.

Damon: hey guys, how's everything that's holding on? Any updates that I should know about?

Tomas: nothing that we know of but everything is secure we have minions watching all the time so it's all good, sir.

Damon: that's good, check in on her children I'm worried they might do something to break Lilith out.

Tomas: me and mark are on it, boss don't worry you know you can trust us.

Damon does trust Tomas and Marc with his life. they're mostly the only one he trusts now over in his realm with Lilith and her children who's plotting something. making the prophecy come to pass either way it would've gone but first they crave answers about the prophecy so they can do it for her.

but meanwhile Damon has been distracting Tierra and her mum Sarah but discreetly preparing himself what's going to happen next with Maze and Dromos, they can't be trusted. 

Tierra: any updates yet? is everything ok?

Damon: yeah everything is fine.

Tierra: you can tell me, Damon. I can handle it.

Damon: look Tierra whatever I do just know I'm doing whatever it takes to protect you and to keep your mother and friends safe. 

Tierra: I know that, Damon. but that doesn't answer my question.

Damon: Lilith is locked up in a very secure cell and keeps her powers at bay, she's powerless, weak and it's impossible to escape, however hear some of her children Maze and Dromos there's rumours going around about this prophecy been going on and been set for thousand of years and they want it to happen soon or cause it. But my trusted minions are getting to the bottom of it and sorting it. but if things get out of hands I'll have to go back and step in.

Tierra: wow, that's a lot and I understand with the last part but the rest, it all seems to be confusing.

Damon: I know you won't get it at first but you don't have to, my guards here will protect you if I go back if things does get out of hand. I'll explain later in time but please don't worry about that, leave to all to me ok?

Tierra: ok. but soon though. I need to know if I'm in it or somehow involved I have to know soon.

Damon: you will know soon just not yet. 

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