Chapter seven: part two

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The next day.

Tierra woke up and getting ready for school and once she does she headed downstairs to have breakfast she could see her mother and Damon getting on really well and she's relieved.

Sarah: Hi Tierra how are you feeling this morning?

Tierra: I'm fine, ready for the first day of my last year back so I'm all good.

Sarah: ahh Senior year.

Tierra: Yep and don't worry I am looking at schools to study after summer.

Sarah: Music school or stage school or something?

Tierra: something like that. And backups.

Sarah: I love it how you're prepared. Are you ready for school.

Tierra: yep. I do need money for lunch though.

Sarah: here? Is £20 enough?

Tierra: that's plenty, thank you mum.

Damon: hey, Tierra.

Tierra: hey, Damon sleep well.

Damon: yes, did you?

Tierra: I did thank you.

Damon: that's good, I don't mind giving you a lift to school if you want?

Tierra: yeah I would thanks.

Damon: anytime.

Tierra: have you eaten?

Damon: I have yeah.

Tierra: good and let's go.

Damon: okay we'll go.

Tierra: bye mum.

Sarah: bye honey have a great day.

Tierra: thank you mum.

Damon and Tierra went out and got into the car headed to school.

Tierra: I'm glad you and my mum are getting along.

Damon: yeah me too.

Tierra: what were you guys talking about when I got into my room?

Damon: we were getting to know each other more and talking about you.

Tierra: oh, really? Nothing bad I hope.

Damon: no it wasn't. It was about your past. She was thanking me about me looking after you when you ran away.

Tierra: oh right.

Damon: I know and I'm sorry.

Tierra: it wasn't your fault, just felt bad for what I did leaving my mum like that. I just had to get out.

Damon: she understands that she loves you and wanted you to be safe and still do. Stop blaming yourself. What's done is done.

Tierra: I know. Thanks though. One way to meet huh?

Damon: yeah aha but wouldn't have it any other way.

Tierra: same though.

Damon: here we are, I'll pick you up at 3.

Tierra: okay and thanks for the lift.

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