Chapter five part two

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This is when Damon decided Lilith and the others fate after the known secret plot to kill Tierra and her mum and start an apocalypse to live up to the demons name.

But then he has the last say in the matter and then he's gonna make an announcement to warn his people what happens if they betray him and break his rules out of judgment and emotions.

Tomorrow is when they make their choice and it's going to be made public, along with the traitors who broke the laws in their world. But for now It's Marc, Tomas and Damon's decision to the next step on their punishment of Lilith and Apollo as Seth already has his punishment which was death and being trapped of his own hell loop.

First they decide on Apollo's fate; if he deserves to live or be sentenced to death then that's when they'll make a huge and the most important choice of all on what to do with Lilith? Death or to be banished in a different dimension where they exile the people who breaks the treaty.

Marc: so what are you guys thinking about apollos sentence?

Tomas: well he did tell us who was the leader behind it and that's a first I don't know death would be too extreme, I think we need more answers out of him now to finally decide on an answer we can all agree on.

Marc: yeah he did tell us Lilith was behind this and so was him, they both deserve a harsh sentence.

Damon: you both come up with good points. Apollo would have a public death. We need to be smart about Lilith some people love her some hate her but she's a threat we need to do this calmly and quickly.

Marc: what would you suggest, Damon?

Damon: well i think we should keep her locked up for now. Well secured so she can't get out and to limit her charms and powers.

Tomas: I agree.

Damon: so it's decided then?

Both Marc and Tomas agreed saying "yes it is"

Damon: okay then we'll make a public announcement tomorrow.

The next morning...

Today is the day where Damon makes the announcement to the rest of the minions about Lilith and Apollo. How he would decide I wouldn't know it must be tough.

Marc and Tomas is meeting Damon at the balcony where he makes his public appearance and announcements with serious things like this.

Damon: I know you've all heard these whispers and rumours of what's been happening my reputation and my ex planning to overthrow me as leader and then to start an apocalypse which is treason her allies has paid the price for it and now we have decided to sentence Lilith to death tomorrow. Perhaps it's a reminder for you all and take this seriously and not to question my judgment again. That would be all. Dismissed.

Overall that was tough on Damon to do in front of his people but he had to do it. Not for humanity but for his new love interest and for himself and he wonders if the prophecy comes true with his lover defeating Lilith or is it him? But it could be both.

Marc: you did good Damon, it was the right thing to do.

Damon: thank you Marc, I hope it was.

Tomas: it was, your majesty.

Damon: just need a very good cell where she can't escape from and to strip away of her powers and charms. So she won't escape ever again.

Marc: we do we can transport her tomorrow. Everything will be fine and it's nothing to worry about.

Tomas: Apollo has been taken care of as well, thought we should be discreet with him.

Damon: ok thank you Tomas.

Tomas: it's okay sir.

Damon: call me Damon, we've come so far and known each other a while.

Which they did.

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