Chapter nine: part one

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Date night part 2/2.

Damon and Tierra are on their way to the venue for their date. It's a nice Italian restaurant which was one of her favourite places and type of food so that's what he went with. She liked it and knew that's why he did it. The dedication of it. She admired him for that.

Damon: wow Tierra you look beautiful as always.

Tierra: thank you, Damon and you look amazing as always too.

Damon: thank you and are you ready for our date.

Tierra: yes, I'm ready. are you?

Damon: yes, I am ready.

Tierra: so where are we going on our date? is it a surprise or?

Damon: we're going to your favourite Italian restaurant.

Tierra: no way but how? it's impossible to get a reservation nowadays and the prices has gone up me and mum alone can't afford to go there anymore.

Damon: I may have worked on some magic to get us a slot.

Tierra: this is amazing!! thank you so much. I love it.

Damon: anything for you. Let's head in shall we?

Tierra: indeed we shall.

They both headed into the restaurant and then he pulled the chair out for her, being a proper gentleman for Tierra out of a romantic movie, which she loved every moment of it.

waiter: what would you like for drinks?

Tierra: I would like a lemonade please.

waiter: of course and you sir?

Damon: water, please.

waiter: of course. coming right up. I'll be back with your drinks and you can order your food then.

Damon: ok, thank you.

waiter left to get the drinks and a fresh set of notepad to take the order down. To kill time when the waiter was getting their drinks, they talked and looked at the menu.

Damon: how was school today?

Tierra: it's been great everyone has been nice since I got back and they've been supportive of me catching up with the work now that I'm all up to date now it's just the revision before my exams start in early summer.

Damon: that's good. I'm here to help in any way I can only if you need it. Ask What you thinking of having to eat for starters mains and desert?

Tierra: thank you and I think I'll skip the starters and just go right in for mains and then desert. What about you?

Damon: I'm thinking of the same thing.

Tierra: I was thinking lasagne for main and a mango sorbet ice cream for desert. What are you thinking of having?

Damon: well the pasta on here looks good so this pasta and for the pudding chocolate ice cream to be safe.

Tierra: good choice.

The waiter comes back with their drinks and took their orders for the food.

Waiter: here's your drinks sorry for the little delay we're really busy this evening but I'm here to take your order. What would you like?

Damon: it's okay and I would like this pasta over here and for pudding I'd like chocolate ice cream.

Waiter: of course and what about you miss?

Tierra: I would like a lasagne and a mango sorbet please.

Waiter: of course I'll send that in for you.

10 minutes later the waiter brings the food. Then they went home.

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