Chapter nine: part three

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After studying they went back to Tierra's safe house to do some more studying and Olivia stayed for dinner and one of Damon's drivers took Olivia home so she would get back safely due to what is going on at the moment.

Sarah: hi Olivia glad you two are studying together well. It's time that you should call it a night. Would you like to join us for dinner?

Olivia: yes, please I'll call my mum and let her know.

Sarah: we can also drop you off it's not safe for girls like you to be out walking on your own or anything. It's the least we can do after letting you stay this long.

Olivia: that would be nice, thank you.

Sarah: no worries I'll start making dinner.

Tierra: what are we having for dinner tonight,

Sarah: Shepard's pie.

Olivia: that sounds good I miss your cooking.

Sarah: aww thank you sweetie, you're welcome anytime.

Olivia: thank you.

Sarah: it's okay. No worries.Tierra: would it be best is Olivia stayed the night? It would be a lot safer you know?

Sarah; of course but she needs to call her parents to let them know, ok?

Tierra: okay, thanks mum.

Olivia: what did your mum say?

Tierra: she said yes you can but call your mum first so she knows where you are.

Olivia: okay. I'll call her now.

After Olivia called her mum to ask permission which was granted but she has to be back in the morning.

Tierra: well?

Olivia: she said I can!

Tierra: yay like old times. Missed it.

Olivia: me too! I'll let your mum know I can stay the night.

Tierra: okay.

Sarah:  so, what did your mum say?

Olivia: she said I could stay the night but I have to be back before noon tomorrow because of my doctors appointment.

Sarah: is everything okay?

Olivia: yeah I'm ok. Just a check up and a vaccine. My mum arranged it.

Sarah: I hope it goes well.

Olivia: yeah. Was just letting you know what she instructed.

Sarah: that's okay and thanks for letting me know and I wanted you to ask her permission so she knows where you are and that you're safe that's all.

Olivia: I know. I understand.

She headed back to Tierra's room and they started doing what girls do when they have a little slumber party watching movies, gossip, reminisce, makeovers etc.

Tierra: well how did that go?

Olivia: alright, let's not waste time chatting how it went let's have our own little party!

Tierra: what movie?

Olivia: horror movies! Obvi unless it's too triggering for you?

Tierra: sure but a comedy last.

Olivia: sounds good to me.

Tierra: let's stick with the classics. Carrie? The lost boys? Cabin in the woods?

Olivia: the conjuring ?

Tierra: either, I don't mind. You pick.

Olivia: that's gonna be hard.

Tierra: which one is your favourite?

Olivia: the classic of course, what else?

Tierra: The lost boys. Then the original Carrie afterwards.

Olivia: sounds good to me then grownups or something after that too.

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