Chapter four: part four

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The present days

Few days has passed and this is a safe house for Tierra and her mum Sarah. Damon's trusted guards are watching them which are Derek, Eli, Ivar and Alex. The ones helping Damon is Marc and Tomas.

They went back to his world and go to Liliths estate to talk to her and sort her out and to try to convince her out of it. Tierra has warned her friends and told them what they need to do for theirs and about further contact in the meantime.

Her friends understood her and still was confused and cautious which she has warned them to be. They're grateful for that and also happy that she came back. 

Tierra: can I see some of my friends? I'm losing my mind being stuck in here.

Alex: it's for your own safety.

Tierra: I know.

Alex: it's Damon's wishes. He wants you safe.

Tierra: I know but please can I see my friends?

Alex: fine but let one of us come with you.

Tierra: I guess you can come but keep your distance or something, yeah?

Alex: ok, fair enough. See everyone is happy.

Tierra: yeah ok. Thank you.

Alex: no worries, who do you want to go with you?

Tierra: erm you? If you want to?

Alex: ok that's fine. It isn't about me it's about your safety.

Tierra: I got it, thanks. Mum I'll be back soon just going to see Olivia.

Sarah: ok hun be safe and don't be gone too long.

Tierra: I'll be fine mum and will do I'll be an hour or two, I'll text you.

Sarah: ok hunny love you.

Tierra: love you too, bye.

Sarah: text me when you're leaving your friends house and on your way back here.

Tierra: okay mum.

Tierra and Alex left the safe house and went to the car so she can visit her friend Olivia. Alex is there for her protection.
They finally have arrived at their destination, at Olivia's house.

Alex: I'll wait outside in the car let me know when you finished by texting me 5 minutes before then call me when you're about to leave.

Tierra: ok, thanks.

Alex: it's okay now go.

Tierra went to the door and knocked.

Tierra: hey, Olivia can I come in?

Olivia: of course. Does your new friend want to come in too?

Tierra: he said he'll wait in the car. He's here for my safety.

Olivia: I'm guessing he gave you instructions on what to do in case something bad happens and that?

Tierra: yeah. He did and he also wants me to catch up with you.

Olivia: sounds great to me.

Tierra: ok sounds good to me too.

Olivia: how are you doing? In general overall?

Tierra: I don't know, really kinda overwhelmed by it all how Damon is the actual devil and his ex wanting to kill my family and my friends and me then start an apocalypse not that great. So there's a lot of pressure.

Olivia: yeah I guess I get that but I'm here to listen as I can't relate at all and I'm always here for you boo.

Tierra: I'm here for you too and what about you? How are you feeling?

Olivia: I don't know guilty and having a target on my back and everything it's hard to explain it's very complicated you know?

Tierra: yeah and don't worry Damon has got it handled, he handled my dad and I've been good for these past few months now and with this it's kinda the same but worse as the apocalypse.

Olivia: life is like the vampire diaries and supernatural you know *trying to lighten the mood*

Tierra: exactly.

Olivia: do you want a drink?

Tierra: coffee please with a shot of vodka in it please or a dash. Don't want them to know I have alcohol to drink.

Olivia: no worries.

Tierra: Damon has sent his trusted friends to protect you guys. But also giving you space more freedom that me and my mum has and you don't need to worry it's secure.

Olivia: yeah I know, I kinda made a friend with one of them.

Tierra: oh really?

Olivia: yeah but you're my number one bestie, she's more like a friend I really like her.

Tierra: I support you either way I'm here for you.

Olivia: thank you. And I support you and Damon too I can tell he really loves you.

Tierra: it's okay and thank you.

Olivia: no worries. Wonder when this waiting around with this feeling gonna be over you know?

Tierra: I'm not sure and I know the feeling.

Olivia: ask him when you get home.

Tierra: ok yeah I will.

Olivia: alright cheers.

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