Chapter four: part two

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Tierra and her dad Angelo. talking or fighting.

Angelo: hello, Tierra.

Tierra: hi, skip the small talk why are you here?

Angelo: I'm here to see you.

Tierra: how did you find out about me?

Angelo: I have friends and people who work for me everywhere and they knew your mother well and she didn't change much and they told me they saw her here and with a child roughly 12 or 13 of age and did some research and I did the math.

Tierra: right. ok.

Angelo: I wanna get to know you.

Tierra: you know my name, I like music, horror like paranormal stuff comedy. I like to write in a journal. that's it.

Angelo: not much huh?

Tierra: nope.

Angelo: has your mum said anything about me?

Tierra: yeah, she did first a white lie when I was 4 or 5 then the truth like year ago. what your like what you etc.

Angelo: and what did she say exactly?

Tierra: what one?

Angelo: first the white lie.

Tierra: she said you died on the job. a rescuer that rescues divers that went too deep or something like the film called the meg.

*he laughed and then said*

Angelo: now the truth.

Tierra: you're a prime league mafia boss most feared and dangerous most wanted in all the police forces in all of the countries and you abused her physically mainly and mentally. so she had to get away soon she found out she was having me to keep me safe and away from it all.

Angelo: well she wasn't wrong with how I am and what I do. the rest yes I did that because she was out of line, embarrassed me in front of my workers so I punished her.

Tierra: there's many ways like used words but you shouldn't hurt her. that was on you. There's no right for you to hit her. We're you drunk or sober?

Angelo: both sometimes I didn't mean it and sometimes I do.

Tierra: guess you didn't love her. Just used her.

Angelo: I did love her once for a time then things changed and yes guess I am an asshole.

Tierra: yeah you are. Please don't hurt her or me we just want to move on with our lives so leave us alone people like you don't change.

Angelo: all I want is to spend time with you give your mother a second chance and see what happens, that's all.

Tierra: really? I don't believe you.

Angelo: you should and I get why you have trust issues with me.

she scoff and said this sarcastically.

Tierra: yeah you can say that.

Angelo: you are your mothers daughter alright, a spitting image of her.

Tierra: am I?

Angelo: yes, you are. her attitude and personality as well as her looks.

Tierra: hmm.

She didn't know what to do or say next. she felt awkward and weird alone with her father. and he didn't know what to say next.

Angelo: why don't we have a movie night with you, me and your mother doesn't that sound nice.

Tierra: maybe.

Angelo: well let's head back in and choose a film after your homework I heard you got a lot to do.

Tierra: yeah, I do.

Angelo: maybe I can help out.

Tierra: maybe.

They went back inside Angelo went to Sarah to speak about movies and Tierra went into her room to get homework done.

Angelo: we're going to have a movie night, what films do you and Tierra like?

Sarah: we do like a comedy. action and adventure but I don't like horror only Tierra does.

Angelo: we can watch a comedy if you both want to.

Sarah: that would be lovely, Angelo.

Angelo: this is really nice.

Sarah: yes it is.

Angelo: how can you keep this from me.

Sarah: not now our daughter is upstairs. she could hear us.

Angelo: I don't care

Sarah: it's been a long time. Enough already.

Angelo: put yourself in my shoes.

Sarah: I get that you're mad at me but don't blame her and get over it for her sake at least.

Angelo: maybe.

Sarah: you were always such a drama queen.

Angelo: shut up and you were such a bitch.

Sarah: fuck you.

Angelo: fuck you too.

Sarah: you're a prick.

He was so tempted to hit her then suddenly lashed out at her. She started crying.

Tierra: what the fuck was that?

Angelo: don't swear.

Tierra: have you hurt my mum? Mum are you okay?

Angelo: go back to your room! There's nothing to see here

Tierra: no you're not my dad you never been there so fuck off or I'll call the police!

Sarah: I'm ok hunny please go back to your room.

Tierra: did he hurt you?

Sarah: no it's okay

Tierra: did he hurt you! You're bleeding you need to go to the hospital now to get stitches.

Sarah: I'm okay honey

Tierra and Sarah went to the hospital to look at her wound and get stitches done.

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