Part three

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Marc and Tomas walked Tierra back to his mansion and it was big she never saw it before from the outside cause she was drugged and taken into the cells when she was out of it.

They both showed her new room and it was a few doors down from the boss (demon) chambers, was that on purpose or a coincidence?

The demons name was Damon he has this charm and a devilish smile and dark hair tall but smart.
He knew it was her that was standing outside of his door and soon as she walked in knowing he wanted to see her.
Damon: you must be Tierra.
Tierra: and you must be the one who's everyone is taking about the boss, the king, the leader and the big bad devil you know and yeah I know who you are, Damon.

Damon : wow I'm impressed Tierra but I'm sure I'm no devil, I given you shelter and upgrade haven't I? Because I know who and what you are who you truly are and your purpose and I'm sure you do too

Tierra: I'm just an ordinary teenage girl who's been taken by your men and been held as hostage for these years,
Let me go I'm no use to you .

Damon: you might be surprised, people might actually surprise you and people change.

Tierra: really? Then prove it show me that I can trust you by letting me go and talk to me freely like in a park or something just not like this

The demon read his mind and he respected her decision for his plans for her and then he replied saying

Damon: fine can you at least have dinner with me before I set you free and take you home?

Tierra: guess one more night wouldn't hurt.
Damon: that's good.

The demon and the girl had dinner
and he took her home to her mother.

Tierra: thank you for taking me back home, I miss it even though I'm not the type of girl to say that or act like it, turns out I am.

Damon: you're a special girl, Tierra and don't forget that and here's my number so I can tell you who you really are and your destiny.

Tierra: thanks again.
Damon: goodbye Tierra.
Tierra: bye

Tierra walks over to her front door and knocked on it.
Her mothers opens it and cries in relief that she's back home safe from those years and she told this story.

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