Chapter five: part one

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Liliths estate:

Damon, Tomas and Marc took a little trip to see his ex wife Lilith to sort out the problem so to speak but in a smart way to be one step ahead of her. because she's smart, cunning, sadistic person. so Damon knows what to do.

Damon knocks on the door at first he knocked politely then he decided to knock harder. then she finally answered the door.

Lilith: well what a surprise, I thought you would come back for me eventually.

Damon: this isn't a social call, Lilith and it's certainly not that.

Lilith: well what is it then? why have you come to my property?

Damon: there's rumours spreading like wildfire about you wanting to take your anger out on Tierra and the world?

Lilith: oh, right that and she's just a mortal you used to like hurting mortals and poor souls why does this one make it different?

Damon: that doesn't concern you.

Lilith: of course it does. I'm your wife.

Damon: was. Past tense.

Lilith: no need to be bitter.

Damon: I'm bitter? *laughed sarcastically* and what does that make you then ?

Lilith: the reasonable sane one in this establishment.

Damon: please. You're the one who's being irrational and you're breaking the rules here, which is treason.

Lilith: oh really? Am I being irrational? And how am I?

Damon: you're going behind my back and what your planning is not allowed.

Lilith: fine, you got me. So what are you planning to do with me now then.

Damon: we'll see.

Lilith: still a tease. That part hasn't changed I see.

Damon: stop it Lilith I know what you're doing.

Lilith: again I don't know what you mean. What are you planning to do with me, pray tell.

Damon: you'll be put in my cell and you'll be punished for what you did and what you plan to do. I'm deadly serious.

Lilith: I don't doubt that but will you hesitate into hurting me?

Damon: never. Sure I changed but not in the way that you think Lilith don't you ever doubt me ever again.

Lilith: messaged received. Loud and clear.

Damon: good. Marc and Tomas restrain her good and secure and take her away. You know where.

Marc: you got it boss.

Tomas: yes boss.

Marc and Tomas has special restraints for Lilith to limit her powers and strengths so she wouldn't do anything.
Now back to Damon's estate and putting her in a special cell where she can't get her powers and the guards are immune to her charms.

Damon: maybe a night will do you good to confess your crimes to everyone then we'll vote for your fate and see what happens next.

Lilith: ok whatever you say, Damon.

Damon: well death would've been too kind for you Lilith.

Lilith: ironic if the decision was death, they would've been kind to me.

Damon: that's what you think now but that's not true.

Lilith: as long as you have the last word right?

Damon: you're always the narcissist. And much more.

Lilith: is that a compliment I'm hearing Damon? Careful your emotions are starting to show.

Damon: I'm not listening. It's not gonna work.

Damon and his loyal followers walked out and started to decide of what they're going to do with Lilith and her new boyfriend.

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