The Perfect Christmas Gift

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The Trap Clan had went back to LA and it now was only a week before Christmas. Nothing much happened that's worth saying, oh but Stella and Jake decided to move in together in Stella's apartment so they'd be closer to Sam and Colby but also because Jake was one noise complaint from getting kicked out anyways. Beatrice and Sam spent time painting the nursery and building the crib and rocking chair they had gotten. And Gemma and Colby continued to keep their wedding plans hush hush and still no one knew they were engaged. But now on December 23rd Kevin had the entire group get together at Sam's apartment for a secret Santa video. The group had the week to find gifts for whoever they picked with a 50 dollar limit. It was now time to see what everyone got for each other and make some good content out of it for Kevin's channel.

"Alright no time for an intro today sorry don't cancel me but it is time for the first annual trap family secret Santa!" Kevin said excitedly as he started his camera.

"Where friendships end and relationships are put into rough waters. This is the test to see how strong this family really is." Sam joked.

"The real question is was this supposed to be for jokes or actually good?" Jake asked.

"I guess we will find out." Kevin laughed. "So just in case you are new here I'm going to try and introduce everyone in one breath here we go. I'm here with Sam, Bea, Colby, Gemma, Amara, Mike, Corey, Stella, Jake, Elton, and Cyrus. Oh and baby Maxie who is asleep as we speak." Kevin said out of breath.

"So who goes first?" Stella asked.

"Well since I am the owner of this channel hi how are you, I will go first. So everyone put their presents under the tree with the name of the person it is supposed to go to. So I'm going to grab the box here that's says Kevin." Kevin said.

"Do you need a cameraman brother?" Colby asked.

"Thank you kind sir." Kevin said handing him the camera and picking up his box. "Ok let's see here." Kevin said unwrapping his gift and revealed a box. "It's cardboard!" Kevin cheered and then opened the box to see a shirt that said "number one YouTube Dad" and underneath it was a low budget lie detector machine.  "Alright alright alright you know this isn't that bad." Kevin said happily.

"But Kevin who do you think it is from?" Colby asked zooming in on his face.

"Hmm, who would be this cheesy with their gifts." Kevin thought. "Amara." Kevin pointed.

"Nope." Amara shook her head.

"Damn who is it?" Kevin asked.

"It was your favorite uncle!" Elton laughed.

"I should have known, thank you uncle Elton." Kevin laughed and put his stuff to the side.

"Ok Colby you are up since you were holding the camera." Kevin said taking the camera back.

Colby quickly grabbed his gift and tore it open to reveal a painting that was based on his favorite video game ever. He looked up with a shocked expression on his face.

"This has to be from Bea cause this is just too amazing." Colby guessed.

"You did it! I knew you would like it." Beatrice laughed.

"It's amazing seriously thank you!" Colby laughed.

"Ok now Beatrice it's your turn but don't get up cause you're pregnant I'll get it for you." Kevin said handing her the box. She tore open the wrapping paper to see a decently sized box. She opened the box and inside was a small stuffed duck, little overalls and a red shirt, a "mamma" book, a few bottles, a rattle, and a cute little blanket that had the initials "D.L.G" on it.

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