An Unforgettable Camping Trip

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"Hey what's up you guys so we are back for another creepy video. As you can see we are outside, with a gigantic forest behind us. And we are with the crew. Corey, Amara, Gemma, Jake, and Beatrice." Sam said pointing at everyone.

"This was Gemma's idea and I have to say I'm terrified because we are camping in the middle of nowhere and could get killed." Colby said.

"Why do you always think like that?" Gemma laughed.

"Think about it! We are the perfect targets!" Colby said.

"Colby I'm going to need you to shut the hell up before you freak me out to the point where I leave." Corey said.

"Am I seriously the only one excited for this?" Gemma asked.

"Hell no I've been waiting for this!" Beatrice laughed.

"Me too. It's the guys who are babies." Amara joined in.

"Hey we've had bad experiences I'm just trying to be safe." Sam said.

"Awe yes so you can protect your Beatrice #SEA!" Corey yelled and jumped in front of the camera so he was the only one who could be seen.

"Someone please make a compilation of all the times Colby and Corey mention #sea." Beatrice laughed.

"Ok guys let's set up camp." Sam said grabbing the camera. It was getting dark out and the guys set up the two tents.

"Ok so one tent is for the girls and the other is for the guys." Sam said.

"Do you think that's smart?" Colby asked.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Sam questioned.

"I mean what if something happens?" Colby asked.

"Are you implying we can't defend ourselves?" Amara asked crossing her arms.

"What! No!" Colby panicked.

"We have Bea, she's small but she can be the hulk when needed. I think we will be fine." Gemma laughed.

"Just trying to look out for you." Colby said.

"Awe how sweet." Gemma said.

*a few hours later*

"Ok so we are just all sitting by the fire. We really didn't have a plan for this and we aren't doing any rituals so anyone have any ideas?" Sam asked turning on the camera.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Corey said like a child.

"Have we really fallen that low?" Sam asked.

"How dare you hate on truth or dare." Amara said.

"And this is why you two are together." Colby laughed.

"Ok Sam since you hate the game so much. Truth or dare?" Corey said grabbing the camera off of him.

"Ummmm truth." Sam said crossing his arms.

"Of course you're that boy. Ok...... name one thing you don't like about Bea." Corey said.

"Oh shit." Jake said.

"What! I don't dislike anything about her!" Sam panicked.

"Oh come on babe I can name at least five things that gets on my nerves about you." Beatrice laughed.

"Like what?" Sam asked.

"Sometimes you snore, you forget to shave, you wear the same five shirts over and over again, and sometimes you snore." Beatrice said.

"Actually I should have seen that coming. Ok thing I don't like about you. Oh I've got it. I don't like how you still want to do scary things after what happened to you." Sam said.

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