Forgiveness, Could You Imagine?

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"Thank you guys for meeting with me." Corey said as he sat down at a cafe table in the middle of LA. Sitting across from him was Colby, Jake, and Elton.

"Well we heard you were getting a bit better. And you said you wanted to work things out which needs to be done." Elton said nicely. Jake and Colby stayed quiet.

"Right. My therapist says I'm making some improvements. But in order for me to completely go back to normal, I need to reconnect with the people I was closest with." Corey explained.

"Makes sense." Elton spoke again, Colby and Jake still saying nothing.

"I know apologizing won't do anything. I've caused a lot of bad things to happen, and I don't know what was wrong with me. I have been in a dark place, and I really hope that you guys would be willing to give me another chance to fix things." Corey said as he began to get emotional. All three of them stayed quiet. "Amara won't even try to fix things and I understand. And if you guys want me out of your lives too I will be gone just say the word. But you guys are like my family and I would give anything to go back to the old times before I went off the rails." He continued.

"Well I can't obviously speak for Sam, but I know I'd be willing to forget the past." Elton said.

"Elton?" Jake asked confused.

"What? Guys come on this is Corey. And sure he's done a lot of messed up shit but we all Have. Colby you and Sam went behind Bea's back and got arrested and she used her college money to bail you out. Jake you and Colby had a falling out in the old house and you both said some shit you didn't mean. Corey has done worse I know, but the fact that he is working with a professional to fix it says a lot. Now can you stop acting like five year olds and agree with me?" Elton ranted to the quiet two.

"It's ok Elton, I get it. I've done too much. I'll be going." Corey sighed and got up and began walking away.

"Yo Corey." Colby said standing up and walking over to him. Corey didn't know what he was expecting. Was colby going to punch him? Would he even stop Colby if he did?

"Do it man, I deserve it." Corey said softly as Colby walked closer to him. But Colby just hugged him. Corey, shocked obviously, was overwhelmed with emotions.

"Welcome back brother." Colby smiled as he continued to hug Corey. He was so happy to have Corey back. Colby didn't even care about the past, he just wanted his friend back.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Corey said under his breath as he hugged his friend.

"Go on Jake." Elton said.

"Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea?" Jake asked softly.

"Jake, it's Corey. And you know if it does go badly again, I'll handle it." Elton said. "You can't tell me you don't miss having him around." Elton added.

"I guess you're right." Jake admitted.

"How do you think Sam will take this?" Elton then asked.

"He'll be the worst to convince." Jake said without even needing to think about it.

Sam was with Beatrice at a baby appointment. It was just a checkup, nothing serious.

"The baby looks very healthy. She seems content. She is moving a little slow judging that her body is not quite horizontal yet. But that's no worry we can set you up with a massage to get the little one moving." The doctor smiled.

"Sorry new parent, why is the baby supposed to be turning?" Sam asked confused.

"Oh no you're fine the more questions the better." The doctor laughed. "The baby needs to be upside down in order to get through the birth canal in the easiest fashion. If the baby doesn't turn it results in a breech birth which is when the baby comes out feet first. It makes it a lot harder not only on the mother but also can cause many risks with the baby." The doctor explained.

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