Best Friends

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Emma sat stifly in her chair.

 The teacher was droning on in his deep voice and  the whole class was slowly  falling asleep. it was so tedious, Emma dropped her pencil and stopped taking notes. 

İt rolled slowly across her desk and stopped at the edge.

 Emma stared at it for a while .

 She couldn't even take notes anyway, the teacher's voice was so deep and muffled most of the students at the back learned from their books and sometimes what the teacher wrote on the board (in unusually bad writing ). 

Emma would always start off energetic and eager at the start of the lessons, making jokes and laughing at jokes, piling her books on the desk in case the teacher anounced they had to study for a test, double checking her homework (usually there was no need because Ray always checked it for  her and Norman), And bringing the teacher flowers which he usually didn't touch. Probably because he didn't want to ruin them.  

But in the middle of the lesson, Emma would always be tired or bored. 

Today, she was bored.

She looked to her side.Ray sat with his head in his hands,  staring intentley at the teacher.

He looked unimpressed. 

Emma sighed and started writing a note to Norman, who was sitting two seats in front of her.


Shall we sneak out? The teacher takes a break in the 

middle of the lesson,  he won't miss us. He seems more stupid than a fish anyway. 

 Ray agrees with me.  We studied this already!


 She folded the note,then passed it  to Gilda, who was sitting in front of her. 

 "For Norman. Pass it on ". Whispered Emma. Gilda passed it to the girl in front of her,  who looked at it for few seconds then pointed at Norman. 

Emma gave a thumbs up. 

Norman took the note from her, and glanced at Ray, then Emma. Emma made it obvious she had written it by grinning and waving her pencil. 

After Norman read the note, he looked back and shook his head hard, making gestures that made Emma think he thought it was a bad idea. 

  Unfortunatley a little to many. 

The teacher came forward silentley and leaned towards Norman. "Do you have something to say? I just saw you raise your hands " 

"I...I ..."  Norman stuttered.  

The whole class was silent, watching them,Gilda was looking terrified. 

 "Yes?" said the teacher, leaning closer.

 Norman swallowed.

"N...No ...I... " 

 Emma felt terribly guilty, Norman wasn't telling on her,  because she would get into trouble. 

Emma had to confess. But then the teacher would ask for the note...

Emma would get detention, but it was better than Norman getting detention because of her, so... WHY HAD SHE CALLED THE TEACHER STUPİD. 

She was about to speak up, but she was cut of. 

"He was stretching.  He's a complete jerk,he sometimes gets nervous and can't speak, don't blame him, He stutters, isn't that right, Norman ?" 

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