Looking for the trio

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"Oh god that was torture!"

"He was in a really bad mood!"

"Oh... Oh well. İt's over now!"

Gilda, Anna, Nat and Don sat, bored, on the edge of the long, high balance board. The teacher had made them run along it twenty times, and as it was narrow this resulted in most of the kids falling off. The teacher didn't care.

"I'm bored." Annouced Don. Gilda shot him a glare. 

"Can't you shut up, Don?"


"I know! Let's go and look for the troublesome trio! They left an hour ago." piped Nat. 

Anna sighed. "You mean Emma, Norman and Ray? Nat, how are they suddenley the troublesome trio?" 

"Wellll they are a trio I guess..."

"Troublesome? Wait till they here you."

"W...Wait a minute!"

Don patted his friend on the back. "Don't worry, Nat, they wont mind. Emma and Norman never get angry!"

Nat sniffed. "Ray?"

"Uh..." Don hesitaited. "Ray... Oh, I'm sure..." he looked around for a distraction. "Uhm I'm sure Ray won't MİND!! HAHAHA!"


"İt's lesson over  time ANY way! Also it's not like we have anything else to do." said Don. 

"Yeah, come on!" Nat got ready to jump of.

"Uhm... I have homework." Gilda adjusted her glasses in a responsible manner. "And so does Anna."

"I... Actually Phil did it for me..." Anna went red. "I couldn't do it."

"W...What!? You do know that Phil is three and you are 10!"

"There! So we Gilda's the only one who doesn't want to try and look for them!" 

"Gilda, I think you should have some fun once in a while. You don't always have to focus on homework, you know." Smiled Anna. "Let's go, what do you say?"

"Fine." grumbled Gilda. "Fine, I'm coming."

Don jumped down, followed by Nat and Anna. Gilda walked the edge and carefuly made her way down the stairs.

"Better to be safe than sorry." she sniffed. 

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