Current Situation

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~Time Skip [3 Days later]~

"Morning, Emma!"

"Good morning Gilda. Hope you slept well."

"Yes, I did. Thank you." She paused. "And did you?"

Emma smiled. "Of course." 

"I'm...Glad. Emma, I was wondering..."


"N...N...N... Um, N...Nevermind. Yep. Nevermind."

Emma nodded. "Yeah. Okay then."

Norman watched as she walked past him without a word, smiling and eyes fixed ahead. She didn't even say good morning. She always said good morning. He was about to turn and disapear back up the stairs to his room, when Don apeared behind him.


"Sorry, buddy! Didn't mean to scare you and all!"

Norman shook his head. "I have a delicate heart. Don't scare me."

Don snorted. "Yeah, right! You don't have delicate heart. You don't-"

"Don, what do you want?"

"Well, y'know I'm just going around... Asking if everythings good..."

"I'm fine, Don. Thank you."

"Well yeah you say that pal, but-"

"İt's none of your business anyway." Norman tried to get past him but Don stepped in his way.


"Yeah, you know what I want to know buddy. Me and Gilda are worried right, and you can't just ignore us and each other. We noticed you don't talk to-"

"Shut up. Please. Don, I... I would like you to please let me pass and please not talk to me for the rest of the hour. Please. Thank you."

He barged past Don, and stomped up the stairs, keeping his eyes down.

Don sighed, and turned round to Gilda. The corridoor had now  emptied. 

"Well?" He asked. 

"Nope. No luck. Emma's acting like everythings fine. I..."


"I hear her crying in the spare room. She... I don't think she likes being alone in there. I keep hearing breaking glasses, she keeps dropping her plates and..."

Gilda sniffed. "She doesn't talk to me like she used to."

"This isn't about you." Sighed Don. "This is about them. Have Anna and Nat gone to talk to Ray?"

Gilda nodded. "Yes. But seeing as Norman and Ray still share a room... İt may be a problem."

"Eh,  forget it. I'm sure they'll live."  He grinned, and Gilda looked even more worried. 

"But Don..."

"Let's go to breakfast, come  on!"

He grabbed Gilda's arm. "Let's go!"

She sighed. "Fine..."

They ran off.

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