Skipping lunch

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" Oh god, I'm starving!" Groaned Emma. "I don't even care if the food is revolting, I'll still eat it!"

"Wow, Emma. My hero."

"Shut up! You hardly ever eat stuff you don't like, Ray!"

Norman sniggered. "Which is everything except for an orange and a lemon."

"Oh yeah? Don't get me started on you, Norman."

"HEY! All I said was I'm starving and you two brake in to an argument!"

"That wasn't an argument! That was just a...a..." Norman searched for the right word. 


"İt was a discussion, Norman." said Ray. 

"A war of words."

"No, a dis-"

Emma pulled Norman and Ray along quicker. "We're going to miss lunch!!"

She stopped. "I smell something good..." Emma dropped their hands and sniffed. 

"What are you, a rabbit?" 

"Be quiet Ray-"

"I can smell some kind of meat... Probably served with salad..."

"Oh rejoice, the prophetess has spoken." Muttered Ray. "Anyway, we should-"

Then he remembered. He had to take them to The Room. Today was the day, and he couldn't put it off any longer.

Emma had already darted off towards the dining room. Ray looked at Norman. Maybe he should tell him first... 

No. He had to get this over with, and that meant telling Emma and Norman at the same time.

"Norman, can you call Emma back? I need to talk with both of you."

"What?" Norman was speed walking over to the way to the dining room, and he turned, not stoping. "Come on, Ray, Emma will kill us if we don't get in the line with her."

"No, wait..."

İt was too late. Norman disapeared round the corner, and Ray stood their, alone.

Then Miss İsabella came up from behind him, carrying a laughing Phil. She smiled, such a warm smile. 

"Ray! Aren't you joining us for lunch? Miss Krone has made us all something lovely, I'm sure. And you must be hungry!" 

"Yeah. Really hungry."

Ray met her eye, then turned and walked round the corner. 

Great. Now to get Emma and Norman away from the food...

Ray walked through the doors of the dining hall and their were his friends, in the line, waving to him. Ray sighed, and made gestures for them to come over. Emma looked confused for a second, then carried on waving, and Ray started towards them.

What am I supposed to say? Emma, Norman, both of you need to come and see something that will change your lives forever.


Emma, Norman, there is an emergancy and  I need you to come and help Conny?

He cought sight of little bunny sitting on a table. İf little bunny was their, Conny was too. İn fact, everyone except Thoma and Lannion were there...

No. He couldn't do that. İt would just make things more complicated, and also it would draw too much attention. 


Ray sighed. 

God, I'll just make them come with me...

He reached them and felt a plate being pushed towards him. "There we go, Ray. Now you have a plate too." 

Norman smiled at him. A change from the cruel smiles he had got earlier that day...

"Yeah, and guess what!" Emma was smiling too, but that wasn't anything new. 

"I was right!! İt's chicken salad, which I suppose counts as meat served with salad..."

Norman laughed. "Yeah, I suppose..."

Ray took a deep breath, filling his lungs. Even he felt a little bad about this."Uh, this is going to sound mean, but-"

"Don't say it." Emma placed her plate carefuly on a tray, and wouldn't meet his eye.

"W-What?!" Ray spluttered. 

"I know it's probably something important, Ray. Both of you think I haven't noticed something is up, but I have."

"Whaaa..." Norman gaped at his friend. She stared right back at him with no expression. 

"And we have something to tell you. Norman, you're planning on telling Ray something on your own? I... I felt..." 

"Emma-" Norman tried to take her hand, but she shook him of, something unusual for Emma to do.

"I felt left out, you know?"

Ray and Norman stared at her. Emma never said stuff like this. 

"So, what I was trying to say is if you have something important to tell us, you should wait for later. And Norman?"


"Don't try and tell Ray anything on your own again, okay? We don't keep secrets from each other, right?"

Yeah, sure we don't.

"Okay, Emma. İt's a deal. And I'm sorry for not-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know all that Norman! Okay, so Ray, we can all meet after lunch somewhere..."

After lunch? That would be too late.

"No. Now."


"Well then, Emma, I guess you'll never know what I was going to say..."

Norman put his plate down. 

"We're coming. Come on, Emma."

"B...But... But..." Spluttered Emma. She looked from her plate to Norman and Ray. 

"But we'll miss lunch!!"

"İt doesn't matter!"

Ray was becoming impatient, they had to leave before she came in and saw them...

"Look, me and Norman are going, so I suggest you hurry up."

Norman sighed, and decided that sometimes in life, you just have to take the easy way, however harsh it may be, and he  grabbed Emma's arm, and started pulling her towards the door. 

"You can starve for ONE day, Emma!"

"NOOOOO! I'LL BE DEAD BEFORE I CAN EVER TASTE THE SALAAAADDD. . . " Wailed Emma as she was dragged away. Ray stared for a few seconds, then, hiding a smile, he walked after them. 

Here we go...

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