Playing Tag

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After detention was finished, Emma and Ray walked out to find Norman leaning against the wall.  "Hey Norman" said Ray." Miss İsabella said we have to go STRAİGHT to class" 

He  turned to Emma and Norman . 

" Race you to the library ". 

They ran down the empty corridors, Laughing and talking at the same time. They could see the library door coming up ... 

 Norman suddenley tripped and his bag went skidding across the floor and hit the door on the side of the corridor.  "Normaaan!" groaned  Ray .

 The door opened and a very tall teacher with a hood looked out . Ray and Emma dived behind the door but Norman just stood there akwardly. 

The teacher looked down at Norman . 'What are you doing here ?' they said ( it was hard to tell the teachers gender, they were wearing a long black robe with a hood that covered their face )in a very deep voice .

Norman swallowed .

"İm sorry , we were just passing - " suddenley two pairs of hands reached out and grabbed his ankles . Norman let out a scream as he was pulled behind the door . 

A long silence followed . 

The teacher shrugged and slammed the door of the classroom shut .

"What were you THİNKİNG !!!"  groaned Norman . "İ was just explaining ... i could have broken my neck !!!" 

 Emma got up and held out a hand to him . 'But you didnt' she said .

 Ray got up and patted Norman on the head . "Sorry Norman" he said, and started running to the library . "Looks like I'm going to win ..." 

Emma and Norman scrambled over each other and ran towards the library after Ray. 

The library was huge.  On the top floor, it  was divided into 3 parts. 

The entrance had tables and shelves, The door at the back led to Ray , Norman and Emma's favourite place to play tag .

A door led from there to the very back of the library, in which there was a firplace and tall bookshelves and armchairs surounding the walls.

' Ahhh 'said Emma , colapsing on a arm chair .

 "We really did run a lot ! " laughed Norman .

Ray sighed . "Try playing tag NOW . I'm sure it will be over quickly." He leaned against a shelf and opened a book . 

Emma stared at him. 

"You have to play , Ray " she said, getting up and snatching Ray's book .

"No" said Ray, glaring at her and reaching for his book. Emma pulled away and hid it behind her back. "You get the book back if you PLAY!" 

 Ray picked up another book from the bookshelf he was leaning against. 

"NORMAN" yelled  Emma .

 Norman loyally walked over and grabbed Ray's arm . " Lets go Ray. İt will be fun" . 

Emma grabbed his other arm ." İt's going to be  over quickly"  she reminded him. 

Ray groaned .

"NO! you guys go and have fun . I'm staying here".  Emma sighed . " Fine,  Ray. But you're playing next time, okay? Hey Norman ... prepare to be TERRİFİED! " She laughed at Norman's face and  ran to the door that led to the maze of shelves before disapearing into the darkness. 

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