Thoma and Lannion

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"Yayyy! Sausages!" yelled Thoma and Lannion in unison.

 They both charged over to the table, holding their plates over their heads. 

Emma laughed. "Yummy! Enjoy your food, everybody" She was sitting next to Anna and Gilda, opposite Norman. Gilda and Anna were  trying to cool down a cup of peppermint and lemon tea belonging to Conny as Conny played with her favourite toy, little bunny. 

Little Bunny's eyes seemed to look longingly at the door. 

"Anna, maybe you could ask Miss İsabella for some ice..."

Emma turned away from them and cought Norman's eye. Norman nodded over to where Ray was sitting and gave Emma a 'We should go and talk to him' look. 

Emma smiled widely and gave a nod. 

Ray sat at the other end of the block A student's table, He held a glass of water and an orange, his face emotionless as he stared down into hi glass. Dominic was sitting next to him, chatting away to Ray in words that only under fives can understand, and Ray didn't give him a glance. Dominic started having a conversation with the orange. 

 Norman walked over, and Emma followed. "Hey Ray, why don't you come and sit with us ?"

 Ray shrugged, taking his orange from Dominic before he dropped it, and not looking up. 

"We'll sit with you, then. Come on Norman,  let's get our plates." 

Thoma and Lannion watched with their mouths filled with sausage as Norman and Emma walked to the other end of the table,  picked up their plates and walked back. 

"Strange. They had sausages on that table" pointed out Lannion, stuffing another one in his mouth. Thoma nodded, reaching for his glass of milk. 

"I think there were more on Ray's side of the table"


Thoma finished his glass of milk and grinned. "AAAHHHHhhh..."

Lannion gave a snort of laughter and grabbed a glass  too, he swallowed his sausage and drained the glass. 


They both colapsed on the table, laughing. 

Don leaned across the table and nudged them. 

"What happened to the sausages? Don't tell me you've given up already?"


Thoma and Lannion stared at Don. 

"The sausages?"

Said Don, indicaiting the plate of steaming sausages. 


Thoma and Lannion started eating as quickly as they could. 

Aftera few minutes of this, Anna walked over. 

"Would you like some tea? Gilda and I just cooled it down for Conny, but now she says Little Bunny doesn't want any..."

"İs it sausage tea?" asked Lannion hopefully.

 Anna looked like she was going to be sick. "No, Peppermint and Lemon... Nevermind, enjoy your meal!" 

She hurried off in the direction of the bathroom. 

A few seconds of silence followed, and Thoma and Lannion both looked down at their empty plates. 

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