İntellectually trapped

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"Oh god am I hungry now." Emma bent over the sink. "I wish you had told us AFTER we had eaten, Ray. Now I feel like if I even look at the chicken salad I'll be sick."

"Sorry. Wanted to get it over with, you know İt's kind of wierd though, hearing you say that. Anyway, you can't be sick, got it?"

"Mmm. I was joking. I won't be sick. But Norman..."

"I'm okay." Norman walked out of the cubicle door, and went to wash his hands in the sink next to Emma's. "I won't be sick again."

"Norman!" Emma grabbed her friend. "What happened to you! Look at him, Ray! He's a ghost!"

"Uh..." said Norman.

"He looks like he's about to disapear! Why are you so pale, Norman! You can't disapear! What would we do without you! What would we do..."

She stopped, and stared past him, into space. 

"Hey. Emma." 

Ray appeared from behind them. He looked at Norman. "God, you are pale. Hey Emma. Emma! Earth to Emma. You okay?"

"Yes." Emma shook her head. "Sorry, I..."

"İt's fine."

"Uhm... You know what actually I do feel kind of sick."

Emma pushed passed them, flung open the door of a cubicle and slammed the door. 

"That was wierd." Norman said. "I thought Emma said she was okay."

"Yeah, she said that. And so did you. But look at you!"


"Emma was right. You're  litterally as white as a sheet of paper, Norman. Even your eyes look white. You're too pale. You look like a ghost."

"Will you please be quiet, Ray."

"Hell, what's with your shaking hands? I swear you look like a fading ghost."

"Shut up, Ray." Hissed Norman. "Just shut up now."


The two of them waited for Emma. They heard her crying, and looked at eachother. 

"Uhm..." said Norman. 

Ray muttered something and started pacing up and down. 

After a few moments, Emma emerged. "Hi Ray, Hi Norman! Sorry, I just felt a bit sick!" She beamed at them. "What's with the long faces?" Emma laughed loudly.

"I swear, both of you look like those things we saw in that horror movie last year. You know, with the half melted faces and-"



"You can tell us if there's still something bothering you."

"Yeah, Emma."

"Oh." Emma's smile faded. She cocked her head. 

"I would tell you. We're friends. I would never keep anything from you. I really wouldn't. I wouldn't. I... I know both of you allways tell me everything. Especially Ray. Ray, you always tell us everything. We never need to ask." 

Then she turned and walked out of the bathroom. 

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