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~Three hours ago~

She walked down a empty corridoor.  She was going to be late, she knew that much, and if she was late...

 Her pace quickened, footsteps echoing through the dark. Almost there... 

She stopped and looked out of a window.  Outside the sky was covered in mist and it was still dark.  There would be about two hours until dawn,  maybe three. Her dark eyes watched an owl soaring across the sky, it seemed to linger in front of the supermoon for a few seconds before diving down,  into the trees.  İnto the darkness. 

She resumed her walk and listened to her own footsteps echo through the corridoor. 

She was heading for the head office of the school, a  place where students were not allowed to even pass. But then again, why would they even look? This school was the safest place in the world, and why would anybody want to stray further than the places that were not forbidden?

She started up steep, dark steps and looked down at the banister and watched her hand get covered in splinters and her own blood as she trailed it along the old, raspy wooden banister. 

Why would she feel pain? There wasn't time for that, and she was sick of pretending nothing hurt, she had given in to survival long ago. 

Pain was so normal in this life, it was one of the things that made her feel at home.

Nearing the door, she heard deep voices coming from inside.

So normal to be walking in to this room. 

To plan something that wasn't quite murder, but murder in a way that was so gruesome that it would make you laugh out loud with tears in your eyes.

She breathed, and  opened the door and walked in 

İnside sat about ten 'Teachers' all in black cloaks with their hoods pulled down low. 

One sat at the head of a long, dark, wooden table,  and the others sat on either side of it.

The room was hot and stuffy,  candles framed smooth dark walls and the floor she stepped on was lined with red velvet. The teachers were talking amongst themselves, they didn't look up as she walked in. 

"Glad you could finaly make it" said a deep voice. 

The lady with dark eyes turned her head his  way and nodded. 

"Yes, I'm sorry I am late. May I sit?" 

"Take a seat " 

She sat at the other end of the table and stared right at the cloaked figure. 

That figure then raised a gloved hand and ...

Pulled down the hood,  revealing a shockingly white and long face underneath.  İt's eyes were sunken and dull green,  the pupils swivelling round and around, Two, jagged,  pale horns grew out of it's head,  and it's mouth was hidden under the cloak. 

Normaly , this sight would have made anyone scream and run in fear, but the lady with dark eyes gazed straight back into the demon's eyes . 

And smiled.  

The demon raised it's gloved hands once more, and silence fell. 

İt turned to her. 

"Now tell us, what is the position we are in? How long until we harvest our little farm?

And how will we do so ?" 

The lady with dark eyes cleared her throat. 

 "We are ready to start collecting the next set of children. The first was a succes, but I'm afraid we can't use the same reason for them going missing, some of the older children are sharp. 

 My idea is... A fire.İn the commotion, some of you will come and collect at the most ten children. The fire will be a small one I will start in the kitchen. 

 The next set of children to be shipped out will be told to exit the school and wait in the courtyard.  Then of course , you will come in and take them. " 

A silence followed.

 The demon's eyes swiveled around the room before resting on her. This school was considered the best boarding school there was , which was a code meaning it had shipped out the highest number of children through the years . 

She remembered when it was a normal school , before the demons took over...

She had been there when the old teachers had gone missing . 

She had been there when the demons made their first speech .

She had been there when the demon's shipped out the first child to a foster home.

But she had not been quite there after the demons and their helper told her the truth. 

And she was different when she came back . 

"That plan ... İt may work , it may not . But you will be sorry if it doesn't . We keep our reputation, you keep yours. This is the first school to be taken over , and we plan to expand to orphanages, hospitals , Even whole cities . We must slowly kill out humans.

İf we play this right, we can get to our goal. Do you understand? "

She nodded. 

She was human, but she knew it wasn't talking about her and the others who were working their way to the top. She did this to survive, and emotions were not on the list of the things she needed to survive. 

"I see" 

The demon spoke again. 

" Now , here is the list of children who will be shipped out by next month. One by one, Two by two or even three by three, they will all disapear" 

The lady with dark eyes looked down at the piece of paper that the demon had passed on to her. Her eyes rappidly scanned the list...









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