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İt was 3:AM and they were running down empty smokey corridoors at school, as screams and cries echoed all around them. Emma was holding her left arm while pain shot through it with every step, Norman was panting and looking like he really needed a break, but Ray was looking strange, his face kept changing, first looking happy and excited, then filled with sorrow.

"Hell, I can't run anymore." Norman gasped. "Please tell me we're close to where ever we're aiming for?"

"That's the problem." Sighed Ray as they slowed to a stop. "We just need to take down the murderer first."

"What do you... You mean kill her?"

"I mean stab her. Her choice to die or not."

"Huh?" Emma slowed down and looked back at them. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." Said Norman and Ray together. "Emma."

"Okay." Emma said.

"Me. I'll go." Hissed Ray to Norman. "Let's meet where they gathered the kids." 

"No way are you going alone!" Norman hissed back. "I'm coming."

"Emma? What about her? She wouldn't want to kill anyone. Who'll stay with her?"

Norman frowned. "She can look after herself. We know that."

Ray leant against the wall and looked him straight in the eye, as he did. He raised one eyebrow.

"And what if a demon comes along? I don't know, but I think we shouldn't leave her alone. Because she's injured. I mean obviously Emma can look after herself, so you can come, but if Emma gets eaten..."

Norman looked like he was going to burst into tears. 

"FİNE! I won't come! But if you get hurt... I swear I'll... Uh, I'll steal your books."

"Deal." Ray laughed, "And you guys distract the demons while Ruri and Agni round up the kids. I'll find her, don't worry."

"Yeah. You go on ahead. İf you take to long..."

"Then you wait a bit longer. But Norman..." 


"İf I take too long, you go without me."

He ran the other way before Norman could even blink. Emma stared after him, and walked over to Norman. "Where's he gone?"

"Um, he, he, uh... He..." Norman panicked. "Bathroom." 

"İt's not that way, Norman. Don't lie to me." She grabbed his hand. "Tell me where he's gone."

"THE OTHER BATHROOM. İN THE OTHER... THE OTHER... Place... He went to the other... Place..."

Emma nodded. "Okay then, as long as he comes back. Now lets go lock those demons somewhere or other..."

She hesitated. 

"Oh my god I just realized how bad this plan is."

Ray found the knife he had hidden a while ago under the chest of drawers, and felt it's weight in his hand. Weird, he felt strangely... İnvincable. Emma and Norman weren't safe yet, but they were going to be once he created his diversion. And first... This. Right now, Ray had nothing to lose. 

"Hey." He said loudly. Then laughed. The voice inside his head laughed with him.

Blood, that's not your own... God, you need that one your skin, Ray my friend.

"You got it." Said Ray, and headed to where they agreed to meet. The classroom at the end of the hall. 

He knew it was  a trap. But not a trap for him, it was a trap for her.

He slid the knife into his sleave, thinking how much he had dreamed about this moment, killing the killer. Although... İt was hard. This, walking towards a trap and knowing he wasn't the one who's blood would spill across the floor.

Then, then nothing will matter except for Emma and Norman. They'll get out, then...


"Huh?" Ray spun, and saw her standing behind him. He did his best to wipe the smile of his face, but failed. "Hello."

"Sweet child, how are you? Of course, you're not scared of the fire? Although I'm surprised you haven't given up. Can't you see, within the hour, we'll have collected the chosen ones, and then we'll move the rest to a new farm with a new system. Adoption. İt's a good idea, isn't it? Foster families..."

"Why'd'you call me here?" Snapped Ray, still grinning insanely. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. But I'm wondering... Sweetie, you know that Emma... Sadly passed away, don't you? She's dead."

"Oh?" Ray tried to make himself look sad. "Oh, no." He gave up, and took a different route. 

"Ah, surprise, I never really liked her anyway." He burst out laughing at her face, then straightened. "And I've always hated you." 

Ray lunged, knife high, and, ignoring the urge to hurl it at her, he stuck it deep into her heart and blood blossomed out before she could even-


That was not what happened.

"Aww, dear child, did you really think you could kill me?"

She had shoved him to the ground, and was standing over him with the knife pointed straight at him. That knife had been in Ray's hand a second ago... She was keeping him down with her foot pressed against his chest. 

"No." Snarled Ray. "I will kill you."

She laughed. "Sweetie-"

"Stop with the sweetie act, murderer. I hate you more than I hate myself, and that's something."

"Fine." Her smile fell. "Ray, you disgust me. I've wanted to kill you since you discovered. And you, your about to die. I'll contact someone in charge, they'll say they'll be on their way to collect you. And you still... You still won't give up? Well, you heard me that time. I told you I was going to kidnapp Norman, and you believed me. Whereas you were always the target, since your turning twelve next week. Oh, don't look so down.

"You're alone. Too bad, but this is the end. You die alone, because Emma's dead and Norman... I doubt he's in a state to come and help you..."

"You're wrong." Said Ray. "You're wrong."

"I'm sorry?"

"I said you're wrong. I'm not alone. I do have friends. And they're right behind you, sweetie."

Then, when she turned around, Ray shoved her foot off, stood, and Norman and Emma smiled at him before Norman threw a glass at the wall beside her, she turned at the sound, Emma hit her  so hard with a book that's title was: Three shades of suicide, that The Murderer didn't have time to scream, she dropped the knife and Ray stabbed her right in the throat.

And this time, it was real.

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