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Emma, Norman and Ray started up the stairs, forgetting about Gilda already. 

"Norman stop shivering allready," Said Ray. "İt's kinda disturbing."

"I... I'm not s...Shivering..."

"My friends." Beamed Emma, and laughed. "God, I've missed you!"

"Can't say the same, Emma. Sorry."

"What, you haven't missed me and Norman?"

"Guys this is stupid of course we've missed eachother we're famil-"

"No. No I have not missed you."


"That so?" Emma scowled. "But... But then..."

"Look, nevermind." Said Ray quickly. "We have to go and make a plan, okay?"

"What's the time?" Asked Norman while patting a sulky Emma on the back. 

Ray checked his watch. "İt's 12: 45. Norman, we know that the Murderer comes to check on us at 1:00 AM so we should hurry... Tomorrow is a big day. We should sleep now and get up early, before anyone, and check out the wall."

"I'M SO EXCİTEDDDD!!" Emma yelled suddenley, making Norman shriek and reel back.

"Will you two be quiet?!" Ray hissed. 

They reached the top, and plunged into darkness. Everybody's lights were off, and it was completely silent except for some distant snoring.

"God I'm tired..." Said Norman. "Can't wait to sleep."

"I'm not carrying you." Ray said.

"I would, but my shoulder has a hole in it so..."

"No it doesn't Emma. İt has a slit."


"I'm just saying, guys." Sighed Norman. "I wasn't asking for a piggyback..."

"You're such a baby." Snorted Ray. "Oh, Emma you're sleeping on the floor, by the way."


"They removed it." Grinned Ray.

"I told them not to!" Norman put in. "I really did."

"No you did not, Norman. You stayed under your cover blowing your nose."

"No I-"

"I don't want to sleep on the floooorrr" Moaned Emma. "İt's colllddd."

"Too bad... You can sleep in the bathtub then."


They passed another door. Getting closer to the end of the corridoor... Getting closer to their room...

"She'll catch a cold." Said Norman. "And Emma's injured."

"What? Okay Norman, have it your way!"

"What... do you..."

"Yeah Norman, have it your way." Emma said, taking another giant step.

"Wait a second..."

"You're sleeping on the floor, pal. You offered." Sneered Ray.

"N...No... I...Di...DİDN'T!!"


They came to a corner, and for some reason they all slowed down. The corner looked a bit creepy.

"But... But Emma... But I want to sleep on my bed, not on the floor!"

"I don't care anyway. As long as I get to sleep in my bed..." 

"Sssshhhh."  Said Emma, and  suddenley pulled them back, against the wall right before they turned the corner. 


"O...O...Ow... I think I hit my head..." groaned Norman.

"Emma, let go of my hair now." Ray hissed. Norman sniggered.

"Emma your  hair... İs going to make me... Sneeze..." 

"Move, Emma. Norman's going to blow."

"Blow? I said SNEEZE."

"Guys, there's someone there." Whispered Emma. "Keep quiet."

"İs it part of our family or..."

"İs it the murderer?"

Emma shook her head, her hair, which stuck out quite a bit, hitting Norman in the face again.

"İt looks like a girl, but older than us. Sixteen or seventeen maybe, I can't tell, it's really dark but..."

Emma gasped. 

"What? What is it?" Ray hissed, avoiding Norman who was signaling he was about to sneeze. "Something wrong?"

"She has... She has a sack and... She just turned this way. Wait, she's walking... She's walking away. Thank god. I've never seen her before, though."

They listened to the footsteps getting quieter.

"Weird. And she wasn't a demon?"


Then Norman sneezed very, very loudly.

"NORMAN!" Snarled Ray.

"Norman!" Giggled Emma. 

"Sorry." Said Norman.

Then the footsteps stopped.


The footsteps started coming towards them, getting faster.

"Awww, seriously?" Said Emma. 

"Oh god oh god it's all my fault..." Norman wailed as quietely as he could. 

"No, no, it's no ones fault." 

"Shut up and press yourself against the wall so they don't see us." Ray snapped. "İf they do, who knows what might-"

Then someone shoved a sack over his head and the world went silent

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