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İt was kind of like a nightmare. The air around seemed... Strangely perfect.

Maybe it was the smell of blood, maybe the screams, that got to Emma the most, but the whole scene stuck together and collided with seeing Thoma and Lannion, well what was left of them, and spun around inside her head.

Ruri. Ruri was fine, but Agni wasn't. He lay, quite dead, on the floor outside the entrance to the dining hall. A demon's remains stuck to the wall some way off. İt's horifying 'face' was all over the place.

Ruri didn't even look up. She wasn't crying. She was screaming. 

Next to Emma, Norman seemed to be swaying slightly. The last thing they needed was for him to faint, so Emma held on to his arm as Ray turned away and crouched, facing the wall. 

"Oh my god." Blurted Emma, then her legs gave way and Norman was the one holding her up. Ruri looked at them.

"Dammit. Dammit, Dammit, Dammit." She cursed. Her fingers dug into her head. "Dammit... Damn you all to hell!"

İt was weird because Norman, Emma and Ray had hardly known Ruri and Agni. Emma was trying to make herself say something, anything, to Ruri, but her mouth was dry and she couldn't move her tounge. Her legs were weak with guilt for not making Ruri feel better. 

But what could she say?

The Ruri stood. Not screaming. She said: "You guys make it out of here, okay? Agni wanted you to. Agni understands that what I'm going to is right. İt's what I want. The kids are in the dining hall, by the way."

Ray stood. "What are you going to do?" She just looked at him and didn't say anything.

"So it was nice knowing you. I..." Ruri held out her hand. Her fingernails were filled witn blood, and her hands were shaking. "I hope the three of you get out together." Her voice caught. 

"Believe me, it's not worth it, Ray. Get out together. The three you can make it."

"We're all going!" Yelled Emma suddenley. "Come witn us, Ruri! Agni wouldn't have wanted you to stay!"

"You didn't know Agni!" Ruri snarled. "So shut your damn face!"

"Good luck." Said Ray. Ruri looked at him. "You too, Mr. Emo." Then she turned, and walked away. Stepping over Agni's body.

Emma, Norman and Ray stared after her, watched her disapear and only one of them understood.

Then Emma said: "Why? Why do people have to die for this? Why does this world have to be so damn cruel?

"I don't know. I just don't know." Said Norman, and they stood, staring at Agni's cold body, waiting until they had the energy to walk into the dining hall and tell the 80 kids who were in there that they were running away. 

Together, obviously.

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