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Ray was going as fast as he could. His suroundings were a blur. A complete mess. He could feel his legs screaming at him to stop, and his mind was foccused on getting to the spare room.

He had to get there before his body couldn't take anymore. He was so close...

Ray burst through the door and leaped down five steps at a time. He was so out of breath it was almost funny. 

I can't do this...

I can't...



His own mind was arguing with itself. He was going crazy...

Ray slowed down. He had reached the end of the corridor. He started walking, there was no light except for the light coming from the moon outside and...

Up ahead. Emma's light was on. What was the time? 10? 11? 12?

He swallowed. "E...Emma?"

Suddenley Ray wished he hadn't read about stuff like walls closing in and floors turning into demons. He felt sick.

"Hey. Emma...?"

He glanced at the floor, and his heart missed a beat.

Oh god.

There were a few drops of blood right next to his foot, glistening in the moonlight. By the look of it, it was a clean drop, meaning it couldn't have been straight from... Straight from the cut. Also, it seemed to be a deep cut, judging by the size of the drops of blood.

Meaning somebody had stabbed somebody, and then walked away- And he had a pretty good idea who had done the stabbing.

İf he was Norman, he would have fainted already. He would have burst into tears and fainted. But he wasn't Norman. He was Ray, and he didn't mind blood. He loved reading about every detail of it...

That's kinda freaky, pal.

Yeah I know. Anyway, focus. 

Okay. First, check if it's still warm.

İt was. Meaning...

Oh god, I don't have time for this. 

"EMMA!" Yelled Ray, and ran to the door, tried the handle. Locked.

He banged his fist against it, hard.




This wasn't true. İt couldn't be true. 

But... Ray felt his insides go cold. He felt like somebody had torn him open and were rumaging  around in his stomach.

There was blood seeping through the crack under the door.

He could feel his hands shaking. DAMMİT.

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