Misty dreams

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Emma ran threw smokey corridoors, her feet and her heart pouning like crazy. Her knees felt like they would give way any second. Her arm was bleeding more than it should, and hung limply when she tried to use it to help her run. 

Things weren't good.

"Ke-ep... G... Go-ing..." She gasped. Norman and Ray had trusted her for this job. She couldn't let them down. Emma knew Ray planned to ditch the rest of the kids, that he thought it was best to come back for them later. He thought she would accept that?

Emma also knew Norman would agree with her. He usually did, although she sometimes didn't know why. Some of her decisions were so bad even she knew they were impossible.

Yet she wasn't one to give up. Not in  this world. Giving up was for damn cowards.

She wondered where exactly the fire was, and where the demons were. 

No, don't think about it. Focus on getting out together.

Emma was looking for a window. A large one. Little did she know that the one she found was the one 'Miss İsabella' had stopped by, all those weeks ago, and seen Emma's owl. Emma didn't remember her owl. She just needed that window to see outside. 

Emma felt a chill run down her spine, and it joined her weak knees, pale, trembling stiff hands. She crouched on the floor trying to collect her senses. Then she saw the reason she had felt a chill.

A demon, large, black and white with dull green eyes that never seemed to stay still. İt was walking the way Emma had come. Emma's instict told her to scream, run, but she knew that was basically the worst thing she could do. Her loud breathing was already going to give her away...

She desperatley tried to catch her breath. İf the demon heard her, that was the end. She would never escape with Norman, Ray and everyone else. Her only dream was to do that. İn this moment her dream was flashing in a sea of mist. Wavering.  

Please, Please, Please...  

Don't let it see me.

İt didn't. İt walked right passed her, even though those few moments felt like a million years, they were over. Once it was out of breath, Emma leaped up and started to run.

Back in control. Alive again. Obviously.

When Emma found the window, she stifled a whoop, and flung it open to see an empty courtyard.

Good. The coast was, for now, clear. Even though they could have escaped in the few weeks that Emma,  Norman and Ray had given up, they had to make the most of what they had  and get out of this hell.

Emma turned and started back, taking a different route to the demon, hoping she would get there before it.

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