Peace and sadness

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Emma lunged at Ruri and shoved her back with all her strenth, even though it hurt like nothing else. Ruri lost her balance and ended up on the floor. 

"How dare you. How DARE YOU. Ray is our family. How dare you even say that? How could you be so damn mean? How could you SAY that!"

Ray was staring, in shock. He had probably never even thought of commiting suicide, thought Emma.  She saw Norman put his arm around him, and felt better. 

"Ruri!" Agni helped Ruri to her feet. "You didn't have to say that, Ruri!"

Ruri shook his arm of violently, and turned to Emma. 

"You little squirt. You know what? I'll never team up with you, you're not worth my damn time, even though I don't know what is, in this place. Enjoy living your sad little lives on your own, unless you want me to put you out of your misery, which I will gladly do so."

"RURİ! Stop it already!" Hissed Agni, taking hold of her arm.

"You kidnapped us and brought us here! We don't even know you, although god knows you've been spying on us for so long you know us," said Norman. "We can get out ourselves, thanks. And at least we're loyal to each other. We would never sell each other out, like your friend."

Emma could have sworn Ray was looking uneasy, but she shook the feeling off.

Ruri struggled to release herself from Agni holding her back, and screamed, "YOU LİTTLE SON OF A-"

"Ruri, calm down!"

"I'll KİLL YOU AND YOU'RE DAMN FRİENDS! Don't you dare talk about Xia, you hear me? HEY!"

Norman backed off, to Ray's side and Emma scurried over. Ray was glaring and Norman looked sad. She hated this. She hated it so much.

Ruri was screaming at them, trying to shove Agni away, and it was terrifying. No one had ever threatened to kill them ever before, and no one had been so angry. Emma clutched Norman's hand and hung her head, letting the tears spill since her eyes were out of view. She  tried to move her other arm to put around Ray, but it was stiff and her shoulder was throbbing with over flowing pain. She heard Norman talk, then someone sighed and Ray held her hand too.

They stayed there, a chain of three, worried, scared kids, watching Ruri's eyes flash with anger and, beneath all of it, pain, sadness, and regret. 

İt was a while before Ruri calmed down, but finally Agni apeared to talk to them. He stood next to Ray and sighed.

"Hiya buddy." Agni tried a smile. "Sorry about Ruri. Xia was her best friend, and I just kinda hung around when they let me. Unlike you guys. No odd one out here, is there?"

"We're family." Said Emma fiercely. "No one is the odd one out."

"Huh." Agni smiled. "Nice system."

"İt's not a system." Said Norman. "We're friends."

"And family." Emma added.

"So, you're quiet." Agni put a hand on Ray's shoulder, and Norman and Emma tensed, but Agni just frowned. 

"Don't worry. Ruri doesn't mean you should commit suicide. She just says that stuff when she's angry, and not thinking straight. She doesn't mean what she says when she's angry." 

He pulled a face. "At least, I hope not!"

Ray shrugged. 

"I'm not even sure if she means anything she says. I mean, she says she hates me. Who could hate me?"  He laughed, and winked at them. 

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