Hide and wait

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Ray was growing reluctant. Basically, he was about to change the lives of his closest friends in the world, and it wasn't easy. At all. He wasn't even sure this was the best way, in fact it definitely wasn't. But they didn't have much time, and this way was the easiest. 

"Ray, how long until we actually get there?"

"We'll be there soon, if you hurry up and stop talking, Emma. After this turn, I'm going to ask you both to go and stay in our room for a bit. The thing is, we can't really be seen going to the place we're going, so we're going to pretend to split up, then I'll come and get you both when the coast is clear. We don't have much time, so go quickly but don't run, got it?"

"But Ray..." Said Norman. "Who are we even hiding from? And why? Ray, I know I don't exactly have the right to say this, but-"

"You don't have the right to say a lot of things, Norman. And for your own good I suggest you get up there and I'll come and tell you when the coast is clear. This is serious, and the last thing I need is you and Emma disagreeing with me."

"When the coast is clear of what?" Emma piped up, but Norman gave her a nudge and she shot him a glare but shut up. 

"So I'll see you guys later, I'm heading off to the library, because I'm it in our game of tag..."

Ray nodded towards the empty corridoor, indicaiting there was somebody there. 

"Game of... OW! NORMAN!"

There was a puase as Emma figured it out. Ray sighed, and tapped his wrist even though he had no watch. 

"OoOh! YEAH! Our game of tag..."

"Yes, Emma, because, you know, we're playing tag and all and Ray is it and all and we're going to go and hide in the, uh... The..."

"The bathroom!" Squeacked Emma. 

"Look guys, why are you TELLİNG ME WHERE YOU ARE GOİNG TO HİDE!" Ray hissed, and then he turned and started walking down the corridoor in the opposite direction. 

"Bye Ray! See you..." 

"Let's go, Emma." They started up the stairs towards there room, and tried to look like they were going to hide from Ray. They had done it so many times it should have been easy, but Miss İsabella didn't like them to lie, so Emma and Norman hadn't had much practice. İt was all very unfortunate. 

They took shaky step after shaky step, and when they got to the top Emma, pale and shaking, turned to Norman.

"Well. That was cool."


"Just kidding. I don't know whats going on with Ray, but we should play along."

"Mmm. That's why right now all we have to do is hide and wait."

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