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~Time Skip { The next night}~

Any laughter had been replaced by worry and doubt once Ray and Norman had explained their plan.

No breakfast, or lunch. Emma had spent the day complaining as the rest of them crowded around a map of the school that had apparentley been drawn by Agni. She wasn't used to sitting around and waiting for night time. Norman and Ray had had to keep her from clambering out of the high window to get to the roof. Dinner was a bowl of revolting cold carrot soup, which was just powder out of a packet mixed with water, and Norman and Emma were sick twice. Ray simply went a strange shade of green. 

 Now, Emma was asleep on the sofa, and so was Agni. Ruri had been awake all night, and most of the night before that, so she looked as if she was going to collapse on the floor any moment. İnstead, she scowled at them and said:

"Norman and Ray. You guys are supposed to be clever, aren't you? You made a plan, believe in it. I believe in it, I guess. So... Just get put alive, the three of you and Agni... And me... We'll take care of the others."

"Thank you for trusting us." Blurted Norman beacause he had no actual idea what else to say. Ray glared, and said, "When you say you, I got the feeling you weren't planning on coming. Which is weird." 

"Nah, I said I'll be helping Agni. Be right with you afterwards." She smiled and picked up a fluffy blanket. "Only... I think I might need some sleep now, goodnight."

She  collapsed on the floor, and started snoring. 

"That's some weird girl." Said Norman as Ray went hunting for blankets. "But I guess we've seen weirder." 

"Yeah." Said Ray, who had climbed on a chair and was rumaging around in the top cupboard, tossing him a pillow. "And she's lying on the sofa without a blanket. Agni has a blanket, Ruri has one, and it's freezing up here."

"Then give her a blanket, Ray."

"I can't find one." Ray pointed to the cupboard. "Well, I found one, but it's... İt's..."


"İt's mine." Huffed Ray. He pulled it out and almost fell of his chair it was so big. Norman sighed. 

"Ray... Don't be childish."

"I'm not! I found it!"

Emma muttered something in her sleep.

"That's it." Said Norman, walking over to Ray. "You're sharing with me and Emma."

"NO!" Yelled Ray. 

"SSSSHHHH!!!" Norman hissed, and he grabbed the corner of the blanket.

"What are you-AAAGGHHHH!" Ray, still hanging on, lost his balance and they both collapsed in a heap of cursing, laughing and a lot of blanket. Norman was most of the laughing and Ray, natuarally, was the cursing. 

"What the hell Norman!" Snarled Ray, trying to keep a straight face. "Some genius you are!"

Norman carried on lying on his back and laughing. Ray sighed.

"Um." Came a voice. "What exactly is going on? İt's three AM, guys." 

They both looked up and saw who the voice belonged to; Emma was standing over them, looking as responsible as Emma could get.

"And you woke me up. One minute I'm flying, and the next minute I open my eyes to the sight of Ray falling of a chair and Norman getting covered by a blanket."

"Dreams, they can be weird." Said Norman. "Anyway we got this blanket for the three of-"

"İt's mine, actually." Ray butted in. "You're not cold, are you Emma?"

"Nope..." Said Emma. Norman noticed her teeth chattering. "Don't lie."

"I...I'm NOT!"

"There you have it!" Ray said smugly. "Now I-"

"Well, I'm cold, even if Emma isn't!" Sighed Norman. He got up, and noticed Ruri's eyes were open.

"GODDAMMİT- Oh, Ruri you scared me!"

"Sorry. You woke me up." Said Ruri. She grabbed her fluffy blanket and curled up on the sofa beside Agni.

"Hey wait a minute-" 

But Ruri was already asleep.

There was a silence and Emma whispered: "Are they family?"

"Yes." Whispered Ray.

"Well, they grew up together... I don't really get it." Added Norman helpfully. 

"Anyway, where are we supposed to sleep?" Snapped Ray. "The floor?"

"The roof!" Grinned Emma. So much for being responsible.

"Bathtub?" Suggested Norman. Ray snorted. "Go ahead, Norman. Freeze to death."

"THE FLOOR!" said Emma, and before anyone could stop her she grabbed Ray's blanket and threw herself on the wooden floor. "Bags I the middle!"

"No way. I get the middle. İt's my blanket."

"Ray, it's not yours."

"İt is."

After they had settled down, after a lot of tugging and shoving, Ray was in the middle and seriously regretting it. He hated being between two people, which wasn't very good in the long term, and he wished he could get out of-

"I'm tired." Emma announced. 

"Shut up." Said Ray.  "I'm trying to sleep."

"Don't be rude." Mumbled Norman without opening his eyes. "Go to sleep."

"I know! Let's play eye spy!" 

"God damn you, Emma. Shut up."

"I think... İt's too dark."

Emma rolled over to her stomach. The blanket was bigger then they expected. Ray would have got lost if he had it to himself.

"I can't see Ray's hair. He's camouflaged!" Laughed Emma.


"Guys..." Said Norman. 


"Don't be rude, Ray!" Emma gasped. 

"You shut up."

"Hey Ray?"

"Why should I shut up, Ray. İt's already almost morning. Let's play eye spy."


"What the heck is wrong with you Emma! Do you have a problem? Can't you sit still?"


"I smell something weird!" Announced Norman, finally finding a time to get a word in.

"You." Ray sneered.

"No, like burning or... Something."

"Burning? Seriously?"


"You smell it, Emma?"

"Haaaiiiii" Squeaked Emma loudly. Ray half nodded, half shook his head. 


Fire. Ray remebered something the murderer had mentioned...





"FİRE!" Yelled Ray.

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